Clarification on Leave Encashment in cases where LTC claim is disallowed to travel in a private vehicle

LTC Clarification on Leave Encashment in cases where LTC claim of an Official is disallowed for travelling in a private vehicle
10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA: 700001
No. Pay/ Tech-I/LTC-III
Date: – 21/10/2019
All Controllers of Finance and Accounts (Fys)
Subject : Clarification for grant of Leave Encashment in cases where LTC claim of an Official is disallowed for travelling in a private vehicle during LTC.
A copy of CGDA, Delhi Cantt. letter No. CGDA/Navy/Coast Guard/07/Gen Corr. /2019 dated 19/08/2019 along with a copy of PCDA (R&D) New Delhi letter No. Pay Tech/R&D/1421/LTC dated 01/07/2019 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and guidance of all concerned.
The same may please be circulated to all Branch Accounts Offices under your jurisdiction.
Enclo. : As above.
(Dr.D L Meena, IDAS)
Dy. Controller of Accounts (Fys)
Controller General Of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. CGDA Navy Coast Guard/07-Gen.Corr./2019
Date. 19/08/2019
The PCDA (Navy)
No. 1, Cooperage Road
Mumbai 400039
The CDA (Navy/Coast Guard)
West Block-V. R.K.Puram, Sector-1
New Delhi- 110066
The CDA (CSD) ,
“Adelfi” 119, M.K.Road, Mumbai-400 020
The CDA (IDS) .
Room No.130, Kashmir House.
New Delhi- 110011
The PCA (Fys)
10-A.S.K. Bose Road. Kolkata-70000
Subject: Clarification for grant of Leave Encashment in cases where LTC claim of an Official is disallowed for travelling in a private vehicle during LTC.
A Copy of Letter No.AT/DRDO/Allowances dated 30/07/2019 along with D.O. letter No. Pay Tech/R&D/1421/1.TC dated 01.07.2019 on the above subject & forwarded herewith for your further necessary action please.
Encl: As Above
(Tripurari Sharma)
AO (Navy/Coast Guard)
Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts.
West Block -V, Sector-1,
R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110006
No. Pay Tech/R & D/1421/LTC
Dated: July 1, 2019
I am writing this in connection with admissibility of 10 days leave encashment in case LTC claim of an official is disallowed for travelling in a private vehicle during LTC.
2. The Gist of the case is as follows;
Sh. Alok Chandra Singh, Scientist ‘G’ while serving at RCMA Kanpur availed Home Town LTC to visit his home town Lucknow before retirement. He was also paid 10 days Leave encashment of RS. 67,125/-. When the official submitted his LTC claim, it was disallowed by his PAO, AO (R&D) Kanpur, for having travelled by private vehicle. Simultaneously, he was also. advised to refund Rs. 67,125/- drawn by him as leave encashment. The aggrieved retired official refunded the amount but has represented to this office vide his application dated 20.8.2018 against the recovery action advised by AO (R&D) Kanpur. When the case was submitted, my predecessor expressed apprehension about disallowance of claim and accordingly the case was referred to HQ Office for clarification. HQ Office vide their No. AT/IV/4462/LTC_Claim/II_ Dated 16.4.2019 advised this office to seek opinion of other regional Controllers and forward the issue back to them for issuing necessary clarification. (Copy enclosed)
3. As per CCS (LTC) Rules 1988, reimbursement of fare is made by pay accounts officer for the journey performed by entitled class of accommodation. Although fare reimbursement can be disallowed for not having performed journey in entitled class, it does not dilute individuals right for leave encashment if the official provides proof of actually having visit the declared destination. I am, therefore, of the considered opinion that the official is entitled for leave encashment of 10 days since there is no doubt on his visiting his home town.
Also check the following links related to this topic:
Are you Salaried Employee? Leave encashment is taxable while in service
Leave Encashment for Central Government Employees while availing LTC
Leave encashment to officers appointed on contract in various posts under Government
Clarification on Encashment of earned leave along with LTC – 24.11.2009
Encashment of 10 days earned leave along with LTC by re-employed pensioners