Maternity Leave for Female GDS with Financial assistance

Withdrawal of Financial assistance for maternity grant to Female GDS on introduction Maternity leave in the Department of Posts.
File No.15-1/2016-WL&Sp
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Welfare & Sports Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Dated: 29.08.2018
All Heads of Circle
Subject: Withdrawal of Financial assistance for maternity grant to Female GDS on introduction Maternity leave in the Department of Posts.
On the above subject, it is intimated that as per O.M. No.17-31/2016-GDS dated 27.06.2018, Establishment Division introduce new scheme related to Maternity Leave for female GDSs wherein it is clearly mentioned that above O.M will supersede all earlier orders in respect of Maternity leave for female GDSs.
2. Hence, it is informed that O.M. No.17-31/2016-GDS dated 27.06.2018 will be followed from 01.07.2018, no further clarification w.r.t. above O.M. will be issued from Welfare and sports section’s end, further communication in this regard may be take up with Establishment Division.
Your’s faithfully
(Daisy Barla)
Director (W&S)
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