Granting four days Special Casual Leaves to PWDs (Divyangjan) in addition to normal 12 days Casual Leaves in a year: BSNL

Granting four days Special Casual Leaves to Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) in addition to normal 12 days Casual Leaves in a year: BSNL Order dated 29.01.2024
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
5th Floor Telecom Establishment (TE) Section
Establishment Branch TEL: 011-23734364, 23734051(Fax)
File No. BSNLCO-A/13(20)/6/2023-ESTAB
Dated: 29.01.2024
All Heads of Telecom Circles,
All Heads of Metro Districts,
Other Administrative Offices, BSNL.
Sub: Granting four days Special Casual Leaves to Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) in addition to normal 12 days Casual Leaves in a year-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that certain provisions for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) have been prescribed vide DoP&T O.M. No. 36035/3/2013/Estt.(Res) dated 31.03.2014. This OM was earlier endorsed by SCT Cell, BSNL CO vide letter No. 28-1/2013 /SCT(SG)/338 dated 12.05.2014 and U.O. No. 28-1/2013/SCT(SG)/Pt/490 dated 09.09.2019.
In this connection, the issue of additional four days Special Casual Leave for Persons with Disabilities working in BSNL has come up for consideration through representations to Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) (CCPD), New Delhi.
Accordingly, as per the approval of CMD, BSNL, the facility of additional Four Days Special Casual Leave in a calendar year to employees (with disabilities) working in BSNL shall be admissible for specific requirements relating to their disabilities.
Encl: As above.
(Keshav Kumar)
Astt. General Manager (Estt-IT)
Source: BSNL