Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters during the period Oct 2, 2021 to Oct 31, 2021

Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters during the period October 2, 2021 to October 31, 2021: DARPG OM dated 13.09.2021
No.30011/02/20219-O&M (e. No. 5866)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances
5th Floor Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 13th September, 2021
Subject: Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters during the period October 2, 2021 0ctober 31, 2021.
The Government has decided to undertake a Special Campaign for disposal of pending matters during the period 2nd October 2021 to 3st October, 2021. The Special Campaign will cover all Ministries/Departments of Government of India, their Attached/subordinate Offices, Autonomous Bodies and PSUs. The objective of the Campaign is to dispose of pending references from Members of Parliament, State Governments, references for Inter-Ministerial Consultation (IMCs), Parliamentary assurances and Public Grievances. The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. (DARPG) has been designated as the nodal Department for the campaign. Cabinet Secretary’s D.O. No. 1/50/3/2021-Cab. Dated 9th Sept 2021, addressed to all Secretaries to the Government of India, may be referred to in this regard.
- The Special Campaign will be preceded by an Identification Phase from September 13, 2021 to September 30th 2021. During the Identification Phase, all pending references are to be identified and grouped category wise based on their duration of their pendency, that is;                      (a) References pending for less than 6 months
(b) References pending between 6 months and 12 months,
(c) Reference pending between one year and two years;
(d) References pending for more than two years.
Activities to be undertaken
- The Special Campaign will focus on disposal of pending references from Members of Parliament, State Governments, references for Inter Ministerial Consultation, Parliamentary Assurances and public grievances. Besides, existing processes may also be reviewed during the Campaign with a view to reducing compliance burden and unnecessary paperwork. The campaign may also be utilized to improve records management, including weeding out of files and overall cleanliness of Government Offices.
Dedicated Portal
- Progress in identification of pending references category wise will be reported on a dedicated dashboard / portal, which is being devised by the DARPG in consultation with the National Informatic Centre (NIC). The URL for the dedicated portal will be circulated separately. Relevant information on pending references targeted to be resolved and details of resolution shall be entered in the portal.
Campaign Period
- All out efforts may be made to dispose off all identified references during the Special Campaign to be undertaken during the 2nd October – 31st October 2021. Progress may be reported daily on the dedicated portal.
- In the spirit of Prime Minister’s Independence Day Speech emphasizing the need to review the existing rules and procedures on a continuing basis, existing processes may also be reviewed during the Special Campaign to reduce compliance burden and unnecessary paperwork, wherever feasible.
- The Special Campaign should also be used to improve records management and weeding out files of temporary nature. Ministries are advised to undertake timely categorization, review and weeding out of records, as per extant guidelines contained in Chapter 10 of the CSMOP – 2019.
- The Special Campaign should be an occasion to improve overall cleanliness of Government offices, which would contribute to good work environment. In addition, redundant scrap material and obsolete items lying in the Government offices may be disposed of, during the Special Campaign as per laid down procedure.
Designation of Nodal Officers
- Each Ministry / Department shall designate a Nodal Officer for the Special Campaign (not below the rank of Joint Secretary). The Nodal Officer w ill be responsible for dissemination of the Campaign Guidelines in the Ministry / Department including Attached/Subordinate Offices, Autonomous Bodies and PSUs. The Nodal Officer will ensure that progress both during the Identification Phase, as well as the Special Campaign is duly entered on the dedicated portal.
Training of Nodal Officers
- All Ministries / Departments will be provided with requisite credentials to access the dash board. Progress in respect of Identification and Disposal of pending references from MPs, State Governments, IMCs, Parliamentary Assurances and Public Grievances will be reported daily on the dedicated portal. Besides, progress on weeding out of files, disposal of scrap/obsolete items, easing of processes will be reported on the portal. DARPG will organise a Training Session with the designated Nodal Offices on 20th September 2021.
Monitoring of Progress
- Nodal Officers will review the progress on a daily basis. Secretary of the Department will also regularly review the progress.
- Reviews w ill be conducted by Secretary DARPG, with the Nodal Officers on a weekly basis in the Identification Phase and during the Special Campaign period.
- A weekly consolidated report will be prepared by DARPG. on the progress of the Campaign and submit it to the Cabinet Secretariat and PMO.
- The following designated officers from DARPG will be available for providing any clarification with respect to the Special Campaign;
- Joint Secretary, DARPG (Smt. Jaya Dubey, Mobile: 9811566645 Email:Â [email protected])
- Mr. Piyush Goyal, STD, NIC, (Mobile: 9810633964, Email:[email protected]) on technical issues.
(Sanjay Singh)
Secretary to the Government of India
All Secretaries to the Government of India