Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officers under Section 44 of the Lokpal Act

DoPT OM on Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officers under Section 44 of the Lokpal Act on or before 15th April 2016.
Department of Personnel & Training communication to all departments/ ministries to instruct all IAS Officers to declare their assets and liabilities under Lokpal Act on or before 31st July of every year.
No. 6(1)/2014- EO(PR)
Government of India
M/o Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated: 04.04.2016,
Subject: Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officers under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Establishment Officer’s D.O. No. 6(1)/2014- EO(PR) dated 25.07.2014 (copy enclosed) wherein the procedure for online filing of the declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officer under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 on the Property Related Information System(PRISM) was explained in detail.
2 Now, the AV Division of this Department vide their O.M. No. 407/12/2014-AVD-IV(B) dated 28.03.2016( copy enclosed) has issued the revised timelines for filling of returns which are mentioned as under:
- i. The first return as on 1st August, 2014 under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 should be filed on or before the 15th April, 2016.
- ii. The next return as on 31st March, 2015 under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 should be filed on or before the 15th April, 2016.
- The annual return as on 31st March, 2016 under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 should be filed on or before the 31th July, 2016.
- iv. The annual return for subsequent years as on 31st March every year should be filed on or before the 31st July of that year.
3. All the Ministries/Departments and the cadre controlling authorities in the State Governments are requested to take immediate steps to facilitate filling of returns by all IAS officers by strictly adhering to the timelines prescribed in para 2 above.
(Anand Madhukar)
Tele: 23092272