Relaxation for air ticket purchased from unauthorized travel agent/website in respect of DAD employee

Relaxation for air ticket purchased from unauthorized travel agent/website in respect of DAD employee

Relaxation for air ticket purchased from unauthorized travel agent/website in respect of DAD employee: CGDA

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010

No. Estt./Pay-Tech/14162/T A/DA/LTC/Deviation/Vol-V,

Dated: 01.02.2022



Subject: Grant of relaxation for air ticket purchased from unauthorized travel agent/website in respect of DAD employee.

Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure vide O.M No. 19024/03/2021-E.IV dated 31.12.2021 has modified procedure of booking of air ticket. As per latest instructions the air tickets are required to be purchased from the authorized travel agents viz M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels and IRCTC. The order further states that in case of unavoidable circumstances, where the booking of ticket is done from unauthorized travel agent/website, the FA of the Ministry/ Department and HoD (not below the rank of JS in subordinate/attached offices are authorized to grant relaxation.

2. Accordingly, it has been decided by the competent authority that PCsDA/ CsDA/ IFAs (SAG level) are empowered to grant relaxation for air ticket purchased from unauthorized agent/website in respect of DAD employees serving under their administrative jurisdiction/office in terms of MoF. DoE O.M dated 31.12.2021.

(G.K Baranwal)
Sr. Dy. CGDA (Estt.)

1. Estt. (Pay & Allowances): The above relaxation in respect of officers and staffs posted in DAD (HQrs) will be given by the CGDA.
2. IT &S (1T-Administration): To upload on CGDA’s website.

sd –
(G.K Baranwal)
Sr. Dy. CGDA (Estt.)

Source: CGDA

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