Submission for APAR for the year 2021-2022 through HR Soft application software: EPFO

Submission for Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2021-2022 through HR Soft application software: EPFO Circular dated 07.12.2022
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066.
File No. HRM-IX/APAR/2021-2022/Timelines /14736
Dated: 07 DEC 2022
All Additional CPFCs (HQ)/All Addl. CPFCs (Zones)
Director (PDNASS)
All RPFCs/OIC in charge of ROs/ASD-HO/ZTIs/ DOs
Subject: Submission for Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2021-2022 through HR Soft application software – regarding.
Kind attention is invited to this office letter of even number dated 31.10.2022 regarding timeline for various APAR activities for the year 2021-2022. The timeline for APAR activities (except for submission of self-appraisal which was extended till 21.11.2022) shall remain same as mentioned in letter dated 31.10.2022.
2. In connection with submission of APAR self-appraisal, it was brought to notice that in some cases mapping of Reporting / Reviewing Officer was not correct, especially in case of Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ officials in respect of whom the submission of APAR was made electronic for the first time. Although APAR mapping functionality was reopened again from 1st November 2022 to 3rd November 2022 to address the issue of incorrect mapping, but a few cases could not get resolved due to technical issues or due to the reason that the self-appraisal APAR was submitted on or before 31st October 2022. Hence, it has been decided that in case of incorrect mapping, APAR should be accepted in physical mode. Accordingly, all officials whose APAR mapping was incorrect be advised to submit their APAR in physical mode immediately.
3. Also, there might be few cases where an Official was not able to submit his APAR due to the reason that his EID was not active at the time of submission of self-appraisal like in case of officials on deputation. In such cases, APAR should be accepted in physical mode. Similarly, officials attached with MoL&E may also submit their APAR in physical mode in case their Reporting/Reviewing Officers are from Ministry but their EID in the HR soft is not mapped accordingly.
4. Further, all Group ‘A’ officers of age 40 years and above may be advised to send their Medical Report to Regional P.F Commissioner-I (HRM-IX), EPFO, Head Office duly mentioning at the top of the envelop “Medical Report for APAR 2021-2022″. NDC is requested to make necessary provisions in the HR Soft application software so that Medical Report can be uploaded by the officer concerned at the time of submission of self-appraisal.
(This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.]
Yours faithfully,
(Ajeet Kumar)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (HRM)
Source: EPFO