Introduction of SPARROW for CSCS Officials – DOPT

Extend the online recording of APAR on SPARROW to all the officials of CSCS from the FY 2018-2019 – DOPT
No. 25/6/2018-CS.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS.II Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Dated: 4th April, 2019.
Subject : Introduction of SPARROW for CSCS Officials.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 22- 15/2018-CS-I (APAR) dated 1st June, 2018 wherein it was decided to extend the online recording of APAR on SPARROW to all the officials of CSCS from the FY 2018-2019.
2. NIC has informed that the website enabling online filing of APAR for CSCS officials has been made live and is accessible through https://sparrowÂ
3. The Ministries/Departments are required to send details in respect of officers to be reported upon (ORU) in the proforma annexed if not already sent to this Similarly, particulars in respect of various functionaries to perform roles of the custodian, PAR Manager, EMD may also be provided.
4. It may be ensured that all the ORUs have either been provided DSC or e‑sign facility for submission of online APAR on SPARROW.
5. For providing assistance to the Ministries/Departments a helpline has been set up and may be contacted for guidance/clarification:‑
(i) Smt. Sheema Chakraborty, S.O.
(ii) Shri Balram Yadav, ASO.
Tel No:- 011-24625816.
e-mail I.D:- balram.y13©
(Chirabrata Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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