Mandatory Online submission of APARs for the year 2022-23 for all AAOs, PAOs and Sr. AOs of CCAS Cadre, Adhering to time lines: CGA

Mandatory Online submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for the year 2022-23 for all AAOs, PAOs and Sr. AOs of CCAS Cadre, Adhering to time lines: CGA
E-4497/No.A-28022/1/2020-Group B-CGA-Part /564
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts
New Delhi, 29th May 2023
Subject :Mandatory Online submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for the year 2022-23 for all AAOs, PAOs and SrAOs of CCAS Cadre, Adhering to time lines etc.— reg.
The Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) is an important document as it provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her promotions, career advancements, deputations etc. It is, therefore, essential that APARs are completed in a time bound manner. It has been decided to make mandatory the process of APARs of all Sr AOs,AOs,AAQs Online APAR through SPARROW. Further, from the year 2023, the IPR shall also be made mandatory on SPARROW by all the AAOs/PAOsS/SrAQOs.
2. A time schedule for various stages in writing of APAR has been prescribed in DoPT O.M. No. 21011/1/2005-Estt (A) (Pt-II) dated 23.07.2009 as amended from time to time. It is the responsibility of the Officer Reported Upon to get the APAR initiated from the respective designated Custodian in the Principal Accounts Office/Admin Section of the Ministry/Department. The Officer Reported Upon should invariably submit self-appraisal within stipulated time-schedule. If the Officer Reported Upon fails to submit the self-appraisal by the stipulated date, the Custodian shall force forward the APAR to the Reporting Officer who should proceed to write the report on the basis of his own experience of the work and conduct of the Officer Reported Upon. While doing so, he will also point out the failure of the Officer Reported Upon to submit his self-appraisal within the stipulated time. For changes in the time schedule, if any, all officers will continue to check DoP&T website]
3. It has been observed that timelines are not being followed by officers at all levels resulting into delay in completion of the annual APAR exercise. Keeping this in view, it has been decided that APAR for the year 2022-23 shall be force forwarded as per stipulated timelines. As the time line for submission of Self Appraisal has already expired on 15.4.2023, a last opportunity is being given to submit the Self Appraisal latest by 10.06.2023. The respective Custodian shall force forward such APARs on 11.06.2023. The prescribed time line for Reporting Officer and Reviewing Officer shall be followed and APARs shall be force forwarded on 30.06.2023 & 31.07.2023 respectively to the next level.
4. Further, officers who are on deputation and on encadered post, the matter may be taken up by the officer reported upon and the office from which the officer has proceeded on deputation to get the APARs moved in SPARROW system through their respective parent office.
5. All the field offices shall continue to send the print out of the completed APAR generated through SPARROW in O/o CGA for further maintaining the same in respective APAR dossier of the PAO/SrAO till further orders.
This issues with the approval of the Controller General of Accounts.
(Satish K Jadhav)
Deputy Controller General of Accounts
Source: CGA