Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report: CVC Circular

Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report: CVC Circular dated 21.03.2022
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 000/VGL/018/50772
Dated 21.03.2022
Circular No.11/03/22
Sub:- Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report — reg.
As per the mandate given in Section 8(1) of the CVC Act, 2003, the Central Vigilance Commission tenders advice in vigilance matters to the Organizations concerned, in respect of the officers covered under Commission’s jurisdiction.
2. After completion of Departmental Proceedings, final orders are issued against the Charged Officer(CO) by the Competent Authority, imposing an appropriate penalty on him, if the charges against the CO are found to be proved. The Commission and the CVO are also informed about issuance of final orders. However, it has come to the notice of the Commission that there have been instances where even after issuance of the final orders imposing the penalty, the orders are not implemented in reality, thus making the whole process of disciplinary proceeding infructuous.
3. The Commission has, therefore, decided that in order to ensure end to end action, the Chief Vigilance Officers of the organisations concerned should confirm about implementation of the final Penalty Orders issued in respect of each Charged Officer, who were found guilty, against whom advice for departmental action was tendered by the Commission.
4. A compliance report in this regard, for the calendar years 2020 and 2021, should be forwarded to the Commission latest by 30.06.2022. In continuation, the Chief Vigilance Officers of respective organisations should also submit an Annual Compliance Report about implementation of final Penalty Orders in respect of each such charged officer, latest by 30th June of every year, for the previous calendar year.
5. A draft format of the report/statement (to be duly signed by the CVO concerned) is also enclosed as Annexure I.
6. It may be noted for strict compliance in future.
(Rajiv Verma)
Name of Organisation: ________
Period: _____
This is to certify that penalty imposed on the Charged Officers during the aforementioned period, on the basis of advice tendered by the Central Vigilance Commission, has been implemented by the authorities concerned.
Signature and Name of CVO.