Guidelines for Leave to ICAS Officers/Probationers

F. No. A-33011(16609)/2/2023-Group A- CGA-Part(2)/1682
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts
Room No. 202, 2nd Floor, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
Block-E, G.P.O. Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023
Dated: 02.09.2024
Subject: Guidelines for Leave to ICAS Officers/Probationers-regarding.
Consequent upon the observations of the Cadre Review Committee (CRC) and in view of the acute shortage of officers at various levels, the guidelines for sanctioning of leave to ICAS officers were issued vide O.M No. A-65061(8026)/12/2021-Group A-CGA/1818 dated 8th September, 2022. Besides these guidelines, the intimations for appearing in Civil Service Examination from ICAS Officers/ Probationers are accepted subject to condition that no leave for preparation of exams may be granted except for appearing in the said examination.
- However, instances have come to notice where leave of long duration are being sanctioned to ICAS Officers for preparation to appear in Civil Service Examination, which not only cause disruption of work but also pose hindrance to effective cadre management in light of the shortage of officers.
- It is reiterated that in terms of Rule (7) of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, leave cannot be claimed as of right and when the exigencies of public service so require, leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by the authority competent to grant it.
- In view of above, all Pr.CCAs/CCAs/ D.G (INGAF)/ CC(P)/ CFC/CAs (with independent charge) are requested to ensure and also advise the concerned leave sanctioning authorities to adhere to the guidelines issued vide OM dated 8th September, 2022 and not sanction any kind of preparatory leave for appearing in various examinations viz. Civil Service Examination to ICAS Officers/Probationers in adherence to the conditions enunciated in the communications while accepting the intimation for appearing in Civil Service Examination from ICAS Officers posted in different Ministries/ Departments.
This issues with the approval of Controller General of Accounts.
Amit Malhan
Deputy Controller General of Accounts (HR-1)