Fixation of 7th Pay Commission pay in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix

Fixation of 7th Pay Commission pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700
Fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix – CGDA Circular dated 12.09.2017
CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AN/XIV/14164/7th CPC/Corr/Vol-II
Dated : 12/09/2017
PCof A(Fys) Kolkata / Jt.CDA(AF) Nagpur
CDA(IT&SDC) Secunderabad
Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700.
Of late, this HQrs has been receiving queries/ references from various Controller offices seeking clarification regarding the pay fixation under 7th CPC consequent upon enhancement of IOR (Index of rationalization ) vide MoF, Dept of Expenditure Resolution dated 16.05.2017 from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of the pay matrix i.e corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of Rs 8700/- .
2. In this context, it is clarified that Index of rationalization is to be applied for computation of first cell of a particular level i.e corresponding to a specific pay band and Grade pay under 6th CPC. Accordingly, a revised pay matrix has been provided under the Gazette of India dated 16.05.2017 incorporating the ibid enhancement from 2.57 to 2.67. It is however, intimated that the fitment factor of 2.57 as mentioned under Para 4(2) of Ministry of Finance resolution dated 25.07.2016 which is to be uniformly applied to all employees stands unchanged.
3. All pay fixation cases may be regulated accordingly.
( Kavita Garg )