Modification in FR 56 – Pensioners born on 1.1.1946, 1938 and 1928 suffer

Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj represents before Ministry of PG and Pensions that Pensioners born on 1.1.1946, 1.1.1938 and 1.1.1928 would have retired on 31.12.2005, 31.12.1995, and 31.12.1985 respectively, which are previous days to implementation dates of three pay commissions 6th pay commission, 5th pay commission and 4th pay commission respectively are sufferers since FR 56 was modified to deprive all Pay commission benefits

Checklist for Pensioners

Checklist for Pensioners for proper submission of forms required to be submitted by them prior to Retirement: All Forms are required to be filled in capital letter in black ball point ink pen without any overwriting or using white fluid. Before commencing writing the pensionary forms CCS Pension Rules may be read in full spirit and same may be scrupulously followed.