Deduction of Income Tax at Source for the AY 2022-23

Deduction of Income Tax at Source for the AY 2022-23: Exercise of option
Office of the Controller Of Defence Accounts
No.1 Staff Road, Secunderabad-500 009
(Tele:040-27843385 / 27847957 Fax: 040-27810499)
(Email id: [email protected] )
No. AN/PAY/5022/IT/Corres
Date: 15.09.2021
Subject : Deduction of Income Tax at Source for the AY-2022-23
Attention is drawn to Section 115BAC, Income Tax Act, 1961, under which tax payer has option for choosing from two types of Income Tax Deduction, Viz., the rate/calculation upto F.Y. 31.03.2021 and w.e.f. 01.04.2021.
All the Officers and Staff are hereby requested to exercise their option quoting ‘Old’/New’ so as to enable this office to mark against their option in IT Module. The Option once exercised will be final upto the end of the F.Y. 31.03.2022.
- The Old Regime will continue to take into account all exemptions as applicable upto F.Y. 2020-21.
- The New Regime which does not take into account any type of exemptions and IT will be calculated on Gross Salary.
All the officers and staff are also requested to submit their Income Tax Saving Documents (like Rent Receipts, LIC Premium Receipts, PPF Receipts, Provisional Payment Certificate for Home Loan, Tuition Fee Receipts etc) duly self attested with details such as Name A/c No by 20.09.2021 positively, to enable this office to arrive at the tax liability correctly and effect recovery of Income Tax, accordingly.
It may please be noted that in the event of non-receipt proof of savings, if any, by the above date, this office will be constrained to calculate Income Tax with reference to the details available in the Pay Bills and recovery of Income Tax will be carried out accordingly. Further, those who have not submitted savings proof, liable total tax will be recovered in Six equal parts from 01.09.2021 onwards and refunds if any, may be claimed from Income Tax Department.
The contents of this circular may please be brought to the notice of all the officers and staff working in your office, including those on leave
Asst. Controller (AN/Pay)
All the Sections in Main Office
All sub-offices under CDA, Secunderabad
EDP Section Local-for uploading in Website