Quarters Allotment to be made online from 1.1.2012
With a view to introduce complete transparency,speedy allotment, higher occupancy of houses and enable the applicants to get houses of their choice, Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development has implemented online allotment facility for allotment of quarters from General Pool in respect of Type-I category houses with effect from 1.1.2012.
Earlier Directorate of Estates had implemented online allotment facility for houses of lower types Type-II to Type-IV as per the Office Memorandum dated 22.12.2010.
The full text of Office Memorandum No: 12035/16/2010-Pol dated 18.11.2011 is given below.
Govt. of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
(Policy Division)
No. 12035/16/2010-Pol.II
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the, 18th November, 2011
Subject : Introduction of Automated System of Allotment in respect of type-I category w.e.f. 01 .01.2012.
            The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Directorate’s O.M. of even number dated 22.12.2010 introducing Automated System of Allotment (ASA) in respect of houses of the lower types i.e. Type-II to Type-IV. It has since been decided to introduce Automated System in respect of Type-I category also w.e.f. 01.01.2012 as per following schedule:
1. With effect from 01.01.2012 only online applications for allotment of Type-I houses will be accepted. After applying online, the applicants will be required to take a print out of the application form and forward to the Directorate of Estates after getting the same verified from their Department/Office. No manual application will be accepted from 01.01.2012.
2. The applicants applying online whose applications are received up to 15.01.2012 will be eligible for participation in the ASA system and shall be able to exercise options during the period 16th to 27th of each month. The first allotment through fully automated mode in Type-I will take place on 28.01.2012. Allotments in subsequent months in respect of Type-I will take place on the 28th of every month.
3. Every applicant will be required to furnish his/her mobile number and e-mail ID to enable this Directorate to send their login ID and password through SMS/e-mail.
4. The practice of reconsideration and technical acceptance will be stopped with the introduction of ASA system. The applicants who fail to accept the allotment made as per their choice, shall be debarred for further allotment for a period of one year.
5. Detailed procedure as laid down in the O.M. dated 22.12.2010, available on the website of this Directorate i.e. www.estates.nic.in shall be applicable.
6. A help desk has been established in the IFC of the Directorate of Estates near Gate No. 2, Nirmarn Bhawan, New Delhi. Application may seek help form the help desk, if required.
(R.N. Yadav)
Dy. Director of Estates
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