Policy for allotment, re-allotment under compulsory shifting in re-development colonies

Policy for allotment, re-allotment under compulsory shifting in re-development colonies

Comprehensive policy for allotment, re-allotment and change of allotment under compulsory shifting in re-development colonies – OM No. DOE/RDV/13/Court case/2017, dated 14.03.2018

No. DOE/RDV/13/Courtcase/2017
Government of lndia
Directorate of Estates
(RDV Cell)

Room No.513-B Wing, Nirman Bhawan.
New Delhi, dated 14th March, 2018.


Subject: Comprehensive policy for allotment, re-allotment and change of allotment under compulsory shifting in re-development colonies-reg.

ln compliance of the directions of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi dated 13.11.2017 in W.P. (C) No. 4042/2017, 4290/2017, 4318/2017, 4485/2017 & 5962/2017, a Comprehensive Policy for allotment of quarters was submitted before Hon’ble Court. Hon’ble Court approved the Policy vide its order dated 20.02.2018. A copy of Comprehensive Policy is annexed. The Policy appropriately modifies the Directorate of Estates’ O.M. No. DOE/RDV/A-Il (Coord)/ 2016-Main dated 12.04.2017 & 26.04.2017.

2. This issues with the approval of Director of Estate-I.

(Naveen Yadav)
Director of Estates -ll

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