General Pool – Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized occupation

Retention of GPRA by Central Government Civilian Employees & Officers posted in Non family sections

Directorate of Estates OM on Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation and damages for subletting w.e.f. 01.07.2016

Ministry of Urban Development has issued an OM on Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation


Government of India

Ministry of Urban Development

Directorate of Estates 

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 108.

Dated the 7 September, 2016


Sub: Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation and damages for subletting of general pool residential accommodation with effect from 1.7.2016 throughout the country – Partial modification – Reg. 

In partial modification of this Directorate’s Office Memorandum of even number, dated 22nd July, 2016 on the subject noted above, the undersigned is directed to state that the matter of charging damages in cases of unauthorised occupation of GPRA quarters has been reviewed by the competent authority and it has been decided to revise the rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation for various cities and other stations in the country as below and the revised rates of damages will be applicable to all unauthorised occupants as on 1.7.2016 and to those who are subsequently declared unauthorized occupant:


Type of Accommodation and
Rates of Damages to be charged for the first month

Type I to IV

Type IV (Special)
to Type VI
and Hostel

Type VII
and Type VIII

Servant Quarters



40 times

50 times

55 times

50 times

50 times

(a) Hyderabad Estate,
Belvedere, Pedder
Road, BD Road,
Malabar Hill,
Colaba and Prabhadevi

120 times

120 times

50 times

50 times

b) Rest of Mumbai

50 times

50 times

50 times

50 times



Type of Accommodation and
Rates of Damages to be charged for the first month

Type I to IV

Type V and above
and Hostel

Servant Quarters


Stations other than Delhi and Mumbai

40 times

50 times

50 times

50 times

2. Damages for unauthorised Occupation: The damages will be charged from the date of cancellation of allotment to the date the GPRA is vacated by the unauthorised allottee and the rate of damages for unauthorised occupation for each type of general pool residential accommodation shall increase in telescopic method from second month onwards i.e. for second month – damages + 10% of rate of damages; for third month – damages + 20% of rate of damages; for fourth month – damages 40% of rate of damages; and so on, limiting to the maximum 5 times of rates of damages charged during the first month of unauthorised occupation.

3. Damages for subletting: Telescopic method will be made applicable for unauthorized occupation in proved subletting cases w.e.f 1.7.2016 on all unauthorized occupants as on 1.7.2016 and who will be declared unauthorized henceforth. The rates of damages will be calculated as two times of damages for first month; two times of damages + 10% two times of damages for second month; two times of damages ‘+ 20% two times of damages for third month; two times of damages + 40% two times-of damages for fourth month and so on, limiting to the maximum 5 times of damages charged in such proved subletting cases during the first month.

4. A ready reckoner for calculation of damages as above is attached.

5. Water charges, Furniture charges etc, if applicable, will be charged apart from the above mentioned damages at the normal rates only.

6. This supersedes this Directorate’s GM. of even number dated 4.6.2013 regarding rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of GPRA and OM No.18011/2/2006-Pol.lll dated 22.6.2015 regarding rates of damages for subletting of GPRA throughout the country.

7. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Swarnali Banerjee)

Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)

Download Directorate of Estates No.18011/1/2015-Pol.III dated 07.09.2016

Directorate of Estates OM dated 22.07.2016


Government of India

Ministry of Urban Development

Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan,

New Delhi – 110 108.

Dated the 22nd July, 2016


Sub: Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation and damages for subletting of general pool residential accommodation with effect from 1.7.2016 throughout the country.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Directorate of Estates GM. of even number dated 4.6.2013 vide which revised rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation were issued and the revised rates have been valid upto 31.3.2014 or until further orders and OM No.18011/2/2006-Pollll dated 22.6.2015 vide which Rates of damages for subletting of GPRA were fixed throughout the country.

2. The matter has been reviewed by the competent authority and it has been decided to revise the rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of general pool residential accommodation for various cities and other stations in the country as below and the revised rates of damages will be applicable to all unauthorised occupants as on 1.7.2016 and to those who are subsequently declared unauthorized occupant:


Type of Accommodation and
Rates of Damages to be charged for the first month

Type I to IV

Type IV (Special)
to Type VI and Hostel

Type V and
above and Hostel

Type VII
and Type VIII




40 times

50 times

55 times

50 times

50 times


40 times

50 times

50 times

50 times


40 times

50 times

50 times

50 times


40 times

50 times

50 times

50 times

(a) Hyderabad Estate,
Belvedere, Pedder
Road, BD Road,
Malabar Hill,
Colaba and Prabhadevi

120 times

50 times

50 times

b) Rest of Mumbai including Hostel at Antop Hill 50 times

50 times

50 times

50 times

Other Stations 50 times

50 times

50 times

50 times

3. The rate of damages for unauthorised occupation for each type of general pool residential accommodation shall increase in telescopic method from second month onwards is. for second month damages + 10% of rate of damages; for third month – damages + 20% of rate of damages; for fourth month – damages + 40% of rate of damages; and so on, till the GPRA is vacated by the unauthorised allottee.

4. Telescopic method method will be made applicable for unauthorized occupation in proved subletting cases w.e.f 1.7.2016 on all unauthorized occupants as on 1.7.2016 and who will be declared unauthorized henceforth. The rates of damages will be calculated as two times of damages for first month; two times of damages + 10% two times of damages for second month; two times of damages + 20% two times of damages for third month; two times of damages + 40% two times of damages for fourth month and so on.

4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Swarnali Banerjee)

Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)

Download Directorate of Estates No.18011/1/2015-Pol.III dated 22.07.2016