Exemption from general rules on allotment of quarters to husband and wife posted at the same station

Permission/regularization of overstayed Railway accommodation in the wake of Covid-19

Exemption from general rules on allotment of quarters to husband and wife posted at the same station – Railway Board Order dated 13.02.2021


No. E(G) 2020 QR 3-6

New Delhi, dated: 13.02.2021

The General Manager
Rail Wheel Factory
Yelahanka Bangalore -64

Sub: Representation of Smt. Aparna Garg, PFA/RWF-reg. Exemption from general rules on allotment of quarters to husband and wife posted at the same station.

Ref: Your office letter No. RWF/ADMN/RA-6 dated 24.11.2020.

Since the rule position is very clear in this case that no railway employee shall be allotted a railway quarter, if the spouse has already been allotted quarter at the same station unless such quarter is surrendered, It has been decided that there is no need to interfere with the decision already taken by Rail Wheel Factory for cancellation of allotment of Type V Railway quarter at East Colony, RWF, Yelahanka to Smt. Aparna Garg, PFA/RWF/YNK as her husband is already occupying a railway quarter in the same station.

2. This has the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Anita Gautam)
Director Establishment (Genl.)
Railway Board

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Also check the following links related to this topic:

Up-gradation of excess Type-I quarters to type-II quarters: CPWD

Railway Quarters Allotment – Simplification of process

System Improvement in Contractual Work of Rewiring of Railway Staff Quarters