Online GPF Facility – Instructions Centralized GPF module available in PFMS

Controller General of Accounts instructs all PAOs to migrate to new GPF Module available in PFMS for providing details of GPF Deposited by Central Government Employees online in PFMS website
Government of India
M/o Finance, Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bawan
GPO Complex, ‘E’ Block
INA, New Delhi-110023
Dated 30th Aug 2018
Office Memorandum
This office has initiated the implementation of centralized GPF module on PFMS portal for the PAOs whose all DDOs are on EIS module for salary Bill preparation. The training have already been Imparted to some of the PAOs and merged DDOs (List enclosed).
2. The PAOs and merged DDOs who have been trained for centralized online GPF module were required to implement the same within a month after training. However, it has been observed that only few PAOs/DDOs from the trained PAOs and DDOs .has implemented the module.
3. All concerned Pr. CCAs, CCAs, CAs (with independent charge ) are requested to ascertain that the PAOs/merged DDOs who have been trained should migrate to new module expeditiously and the status of implementation may be intimated by 12 Sep 2018 to this office. It is also requested that Trained PAOs may also be directed to help/train the other PAOs whose all DDOs are on EIS module for salary bill preparation, in their respective controllers.
(Anupam Raj)
Asstt. Controller of Accounts
All concerned CCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge
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