Introduction of common/modified forms to be used in National Savings Schemes

Introduction of common/modified forms to be used in National Savings Schemes

Addendum: Introduction of common/ modified forms to be used in National Savings Schemes for CBS and non CBS Post Offices

S.B. Order 17/2020

e.F.No.25-08/2012-FS(CBS) (Pt.1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(Financial Services Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated :- 10.06.2020



All Head of Circles/Regions,

Subject:- Introduction of common/modified forms to be used in National Savings Schemes for CBS and non CBS Post Offices -Regarding.


Kindly refer to the SB Order No. 17/2020, issued vide this office letter No. 25/08/2012-FS (CBS) dated 15.04.2020 on the subject cited above. This office has been receiving references to incorporate additional facilities available on Post Office Savings Account in the “Application for Opening of Account /Purchase of certificate” form.

2. After examining the issue, the competent authority has decided to incorporate the various facilities available for Post Office Savings Account customers in “Application for Opening of Account /Purchase of certificate” form for benefits of the depositors and ease of operation. Accordingly the following column added in the form.

(i) Additional Facilities available (For Post Office Savings Account)
(a) Cheque Book required:- Yes [] No [] (b) IPPB A/c [] (c) ATM Card [] Internet Banking []  Mobile Banking [] (Prescribed form to be enclosed)
(d) Insurance/Pension products :- PMSBY [] PMJJBY [] APY [] (Prescribed form to be enclosed)

3. Revised “Application for Account Opening/Purchase of Certificate” form along with prescribed form to avail above facilities is enclosed for information and further necessary action.

4. It is requested to circulate this SB Order along with copy of Forms enclosed to all concerned for information and necessary action. The same may also be placed on the notice boards of the Post Offices in public area.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority. DES.

(Deverdra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB)

Copy to:-

1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/Sr.PPS to Director General Postal Services.

2. PPS/ PS to Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/Member (Banking)/ Member (O)/ Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRD)/ Member (PLI)/ Member (Tech).

3. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

4. Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser

S. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate

6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO) / Sr. Deputy Director General (PAF)

7. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs

8. Director General P & T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi

9. Secretary, Postal Services Board/ All Deputy Directors General

10. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

11. Chief Engineer (Civil), Postal Directorate

12. All Sections of Postal Directorate

13. All recognized Federations / Unions/ Associations

14. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India Post website.

15. MOF(DEA), NS-II, North Block, New Delhi.

16. Joint Director & HOD, ICCW Building, 4 Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002

17. Guard File/Spare copies.

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National Savings (Monthly Income Account) Scheme, 2019 – Gazette Notification