SC, ST and OBC Reservation in Government Services – Compilation of Policy, FAQ and E-brochure

Reservation to job placements and enrollment in Education in India is an action designed to improve the well-being of backward and under-represented communities defined primarily by their caste. It’s a phenomenon that commenced with the coming into force of the Indian Constitution.
Reservation for SC, ST and OBC in Government Services
This reservation system is also applicable to entry in to Government Service. Department of Personnel and Public Grievances and Pensions has evolved the policy and procedure for SC, ST and OBC reservation for entry into government service
SC, ST and OBC Reservation percentage
Category |
Reservation in case of direct recruitment on all India basis by open competition
Reservation in case of direct recruitment on all India basis otherwise than by open competition
Reservation in case of direct recruitment to Group C and D posts which normally attract candidates from a locality or a region
Other Backward Class (OBC) | 27% | 25.84% | fixed keeping in view the proportion of their population in the concerned State/UT** |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 15% | 16.66% | -do-** |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 7.5% | 7.5% | -do-** |
** that total reservation for SCs/STs/OBC is remains within the limit for 50% and reservation for OBCs remains within the limit of 27%
In addition to framing up of reservation policy for SC, ST, and OBC, DOPT is issuing instructions and clarifications for proper implementation of reservation policy from time to time. DOPT has also compiled those those instructions and clarifications in the form of Frquently Asked Questions and as E-Brochures.