Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) – PCA (Fys)

Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) – PCA (Fys) Circular dated 13.07.2022
Office of the Principal Controller Of Accounts (Fys)
10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA — 700001
No. 1795/AN-I/DPC/2022
Date: 13.07.2022
The CDA RTC (ER) Kolkata
All Field Units of DoO (C & S)
All Sections of Main Office
Subject: Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)
Reference: DAD Hqrs Office letter No. AN/II/2151/Reservation/PwBDs dated 06.07.2022
With reference to HQrs Office letter cited under reference, it is requested to provide the following details with respect to the AAOs of PwBDs upto Roster no. 1950 as per the Roster of AAOs circulated vide HQrs Office No. AN/XI/11056/Roster Corr/2019 dated 13.05.2020.
Sl. No. | Organization | Name of the AAO & Personal No | Whether belongs to PwBDs category a, b, c, d, e as per para 2.2 of the said OM | Whether appointed as direct recruit under PwBDs quota | Category (Gen/SC/ST) | Remarks, if any |
2. The requisite details may please be furnished in the prescribed formats (enclosed as Annexure ‘A’ to ‘H’) to Admin-I section of this office through email to [email protected], latest by 15.07.2022 positively. Further, it may please be ensured that in case of SC/ST category AAOs of PwBDs upto the roster no 1950, necessary verification of their caste (SC/ST) status has been carried out and an undertaking may be obtained from the concerned AAOs belonging to reserved categories as per the provisions contained in DOPT O.M. No. 3601 1/3/2005-Estt. (Res.) dated 9th September, 2005 and HQrs Office circular No. AN/II/2151/PC-1089(N) dated 11.01.2013.
3. Nil report is also required.
Enclosures: As above
(Dr. K. Lalbiakchhunga, IDAS)
Dy. Controller of Accounts (Fys)
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