What is Reservation Policy and how it is being implemented ?

What is Reservation Policy and how it is being implemented ? – Important orders on SC, ST and OBC reservation policy.
Reservation System in India ensures that individuals born in the castes categorised as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCs and STs) and Other Backwards Classes (OBCs) are given priority over General Category candidates in recruitment to government jobs, admission in higher educational institutions, and selection of Legislative and parliament members. The underlying principle of reservation is to address the historic oppression, inequality and discrimination faced by those communities and to give these communities a place.
Knowing and understanding what is Reservation Policy and how it is implemented is not a uphill task. There is mixed reactions about whether the reservation policy should exist or not ?That is the thing which stops many people to show interest on this subject. But it is necessary for both sides to understand the Reservation policy and how it is implemented in Government Institutions and Departments. So that we can ensure that no one is aggrieved by the incorrect or non implementation of Reservation policy.
The Objective of providing reservations to the Scheduled Castes(SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in services is not only to give jobs to some persons belonging to these communities. It basically aims at empowering them and ensuring their participation in the decision making process of the State. Government has the primary responsibility for implementing and enforcing laws, including constitutional rights.
Understanding Reservation Policy is made easy through following Topics .
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