Monitoring of the implementation of Reservation Policy of ESM in CCS&P, Banks, CPSEs and CAPFs

Monitoring of the implementation of Reservation Policy of ESM in CCS&P, Banks, CPSEs and CAPFs – Minutes of meeting held under the Chairmanship of DG (R)
रक्षा मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
पूर्व-सैनिक कल्याण विभाग DEPTT OF EX-SERVICEMEN
आरक्षण निगरानी प्रकोष्ठ RESERVATION MONITORING CELL
Minutes of meeting held under the Chairmanship of DG (R) on 05th May, 2022 at 2.30 PM via Video Conference (VC) with various stakeholders in MoD and the Liaison Officers appointed by various Ministries / Departments
Monitoring of the implementation of Reservation Policy of ESM in Central Civil Services & Posts (CCS&P) , Banks, CPSEs and CAPFs- designation of DGR as the Nodal Agency- Regarding
1. The Fourth Meeting on the subject matter has held on 05th May, 2022 at 1430 hrs under the Chairmanship of DG (R) to discuss the Action Taken on the agenda points circulated vide this office e-mail dated 25th Mar 2022 on the issues pertaining to Monitoring the implementation of Reservation Policy of ESM in Central Civil Services & Posts (CCS&P). The meeting was attended by Dr. Pudi Hari Prasad, Jt Secy (ESW), Maj Gen Sharad Kapur, YSM, SM, DG (R); Liaison Officers of various Ministries & attached offices of Ministry of Defence (MoD).
2. At the onset, DG(R) welcomed all the attendees and addressing remarks was convened to the Liaison Officers (LOs) present through Video Conference (VC) in the meeting. DG(R) asked the new joiners (LO’s) to introduced themselves for the better familiarity. Thereafter , He has reiterated the agenda points and asked the LOs to intimate ‘Action Taken’ on the agenda points and forward necessary inputs at the earliest as the same could not met as per schedule fixed for the same.
3. The following were discussed:-
Sl No. | Issue | Discussion | Action by | Remarks |
a. | CONSOLIDATION OF CONTACT DETAILS (EMAIL ID & MOBILE NO.) – Liaison Officers are requested to forward their contact details duly mentioning the postal address, e-mail ID and working Phone No. (Land-line & Mobile No.) for one-on-one communication on all issues related to the subject matter. | DG (R) said that since the matter is closely related to the CCS&Ps who have not submitted their details of LOs and are not present in the meeting; the point need not be discussed in the meeting. | All CCS&P DOP&T DESW DGR | |
b. | ESM QUOTA IN JOBs — In all the DR Vacancies issued for various organisations, the LO must ensure that the vacancy Notification to include the Horizontal reservation for ESM, wherever the reservation is available, the way it is done for other reserved categories. Along-with this, all the ESM related issues. like age- relaxation, fee exemption, if any, must also form a part of the vacancy circular. As stated by the Secy, ESW during VC with LOs on 02″ Mar 2022, the Sanction strength of any Ministry’ Department to be obtained from the website of Ministry of Finance, Dept of Expenditure. Based on the Sanctioned Strength, the actual vacancies required to be filled by ESM should be calculated and adequate efforts may be carried-out to fill in the gap between authorised ESM vacancies & the Held Strength of ESM for a particular post for which reservation provisions have been made by the Gol. | DG (R) has spelt-out the agenda and reiterated to ensure ESM quota is being implemented.
Shri MK Meena, JS (Estt.), min of Railways submitted that they are doing their best in order to ensure availability of reservation to ESM. DG (R) thanked the JS (Estt.), MoR and asked other LOs present in the meeting to forward their assurance in this regard. |
All CCS&P | |
c. | VETTING OF RESERVATION ROSTER PERTAINING TO ESM RESERVATION, SIGNED AND CONFIRMED – Liaison Officers (LOs) are requested to ensure implementation of ESM reservation within their Ministry/ Department, for doing so they are requested to get. the reservation roster related to Horizontal reservation, peruse it, put their signature and forward a confirmation in this regards to this office. | DG (R) has stated that the time-line for completion of task is already over and thus emphasized that this exercise should be completed at the earliest. | All CCS&P | |
d. | TIMELY SUBMISSION OF HALF YEARLY REPORTS – Compilation of half-yearly report and its accuracy on_ the implementation of reservation policy for ESM in CCS&P, Banks, CPSEs, DPSEs_ and CAPFs entirely depends upon half-yearly data provided by the organisations post expiry of June and December of every year. It has been observed that half-year ending data are not received within stipulated period. Thus there is need for compliance on the submission of half-yearly data so as to reach DGR office within one month post completion of June and December quarters. | DG (R) stated that all the CCS&Ps are laging-behind in this regard and reiterated the timely submission of half yearly reports, as the same is necessary for the welfare of the ESM. Priority should be given to expedite the submission of the Dec 2021 report. Shri MK Meena, JS (Estt.), Min of Railways said that, reports are still awaited from the zonal regions. As soon as the reports will come, we will forward it to the DGR, and it will be done in upcoming 15 days. DG(R) requested the other LOs to try and submit the reports in upcoming 15 days. |
All CCS&P | |
e. | CREATION OF JOBS FOR ESM – It is felt that the “Reservation Policy” formulated by Gol must be fully implemented by CCS&P, CAPFs, Nationalised Banks and CPSEs including DPSEs by creating adequate jobs as a second career for Armed Forces Personnel retiring every year. This will go a long way in their dignified and permanent resettlement in civil life to fulfil their social and family responsibilities due to their early retirement which is an organisational requirement for the service to maintain a youthful profile of the Armed Forces. | DG(R) said that our prime motto is to create jobs for ESM hence, special attention should be given to creation of Jobs for ESM in order to carry out our mandate as given by the Gol. | All CCS&P | |
f. | CONFIRMATION ON SELECTED CANDIDATE – Whenever, a demand is raised from any organisation for nomination of ESM for direct recruitment or SO the confirmation on selected candidate against contractual/reserved vacancies may be intimated to this Office. As per June 2021 report, 1434 ESM have been gainfully employed. This data pertains to CPSE & CCS&P.
Request for data held to be diligently scrutinised and intimated. |
DG(R) said that confirmation on selected candidate has become important in order to maintain the actual data so that we can identify the remaining candidates and assist them without duplicity and bring efficiency. | All CCS&P |
4. DG(R) then asked the present LOs to speak out if they have any doubt regarding the agenda or the process of this LO’s meeting as this platform is open for everyone. Smt. Ujjawala Tirkey, Scientist ‘G’ LO of Min of Science & Technology said that 3 vacancies of MTS is going to be filled through the ESM quota. DG (R) requested Mrs Tirkey to please send the same over the mail.
2. Shri Jha from DoP&T raised the scarcity of ESM who are proficient in Stenography and hence requested to look into this matter.
3. Due to the technical glitch, the meeting was interrupted and after resuming again, DG (R) thanked everyone and said that next meeting will be held in off-line mode as this video conferencing is not serving the desired purpose. He added that the date and venue in this regard will be intimated in due course of time.