Revision of rates of Uniform, Kit Maintenance & Washing Allowance in respect of RPF/RPSF personnel

Revision of rates of Uniform, Kit Maintenance & Washing Allowance in respect of RPF/RPSF personnel

Implementation of recommendations of VI Central Pay Commission – Revision of rates of Uniform, Kit Maintenance & Washing Allowance in respect of RPF/RPSF personnel


No. E(P&A)I-2014/ALL/RPF-1

RBE No.84/2019
PC-VI No. 396
New Delhi, dated 27.05.2019

The General Managers and PFAs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of VI Central Pay Commission โ€“ Revision of rates of Uniform Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance and Washing Allowance in respect of RPF/RPSF personnel.

1. In terms of Boardโ€™s letter No. E(P&A)1-2008/ALURPF-3 dated 06.02.2009 on the cited subject, Kit Maintenance Allowance @ Rs. 300/- p.m. was provided for Group `Aโ€™ officers of RPF/RPSF.

2. It has now been decided to extend the benefits of above mentioned Kit Maintenance Allowance to Group โ€˜Aโ€™ officers of RPF/RPSF promoted on ad-hoc basis from Inspectors also, at the same rate which is admissible to regular Group โ€˜Aโ€™ officers of RPF/RPSF for the 6th CPC period i.e. from 01.09.2008 to 30.06.2017.

3. The rates of Kit Maintenance Allowance increase by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%. In view of this, the rates of Kit Maintenance Allowance are Rs. 375/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.2011 and Rs. 450/- p.m. we.f. 01.01.2014.

4. This Allowance shall be payable till 30.06.2017, since instructions for subsuming this Allowance into a single Dress Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2017 have been issued vide Boardโ€™s letter No. PC-VII/2017/U7/5/7 dated 03.10.2017 on the recommendations of 7th CPC and acceptance of Government thereto.

5. Other terms & conditions as mentioned in Boardโ€™s letter No. E(P&A)I-2008/ALL/RPF-3 dated 06.02.2009 will remain unchanged.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

7. Please acknowledge receipt.

(N.P. Singh)
Joint Director/Estt.(P&A)
Railway Board.

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