Request for liberalization of travel entitlements of pre-2016 pensioners on PRCP

Request for liberalization of travel entitlements of pre-2016 pensioners on Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP) – Railway Board
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(W)2019/PS5-2/14
New Delhi, Dated 16.12.2019
Shri S.C. Maheshwari
Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj
2/13-A-LGF Backside
Jangpura ‘A’
New Delhi-110014.
Request for liberalization of travel entitlements of pre-2016 pensioners on Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP).
The request contained in your representation dated 15.10.2019 has been examined. As far as the demand for grant of post-2016 PRCP entitlement to pre-2016 pensioners on the basis of revision of their pension on 7th CPC recommended pay matrix, it is stated that the entitlement on passes is linked to pay and the pay has been defined under Rule 2(j) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition- 1993) (RSPR-1986) i.e. “pay means the amount drawn monthly by a railway servant as (i) basic pay (ii) in the case of Running Staff; basic pay plus 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time (iii) any other pay which may be specially classified as pay by the President”.
2. The revised travel entitlements dated 31.01.2019, referred to in your representation, have come into effect w.r.t. Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 and all the railway servants who were in service on 01.01.2016 were granted the benefit of revised pass entitlement as they drew pay or arrears of pay in PLPM which falls within the definition of RSPR-1986. On the other hand, revision of pension as per 7th CPC recommendations came into effect on the basis of amendments effected to the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 & Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993. Therefore, there is no ground for re-fixing the travel entitlement of pre-2016 pensioners at par with that of post-2016 pensioners on account of revision of pension w.r.t. 7th CPC recommendations.
3. In view of above position as well as financial and other implications involved, it has not been found feasible to relax/liberalize the rules farther to cover those retired prior to 01.01.2016.
4. This has the approval of Competent Authority.
(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt.(Welfare)-I
Railway Board
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