Training of office bearers of AISC/STRE: Railway Board

Training of office bearers of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association (AISC/STREA): Railway Board Order dated 13.07.2020
New Delhi, dated 13.07.2020.
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
Metro Railway, Kolkata.
Director General,
RDSO, Lucknow.
CMD/KRCL/New Delhi.
The Chief Admn. Officer,
DLMW, Patiala.
Sub: Training of office bearers of AISC/STRE.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2019/3/45 dated 23.07.2019 (copy attached)
Please refer to para-4 & 5 of the above cited letter, vide which training of office bearers of AISC/STREA was organized as per recommendation No. 18 of the 4th report of SC/ST for the year 1981082 enclosed with Board’s letter No.85-E(SCT)I/74/1 dated 10.10.85.
“4. Further training programme(s) as needed can be organized at Railways at their Zonal Training Centres for the serving employees who are office bearers of SC & ST Association.
5. Necessary passes may be issued accordingly. Period of training of these participants, who are serving Railway employees, will be treated as duty for all purposes.”
It is therefore requested for inclusion of the said training in the Programme/Calendar of Zonal Training Centres of Railways in consultations in the AISC/STRE.
(S. P. Mahi)
Exec.Director, Estt.(Res.)
Source: Indian Railways