Steps to be initiated for familiarizing of employees facilitating them applying through Leave Module of HRMS: Railway Board

Steps to be initiated for familiarizing of employees facilitating them applying through Leave Module of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 01.09.2023
File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11
New Delhi, dated: 01.09.2023
Principal Chief Personnel Officers,
All Indian Railways,
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Steps to be initiated for familiarizing of employees facilitating them applying through Leave Module of HRMS.
Leave Module of HRMS have been operationalized with effect from 01.08.2023 and through Board’s Order dated 27.07.2023. The manual processing of Leave was discontinued with effect from 01.08.2023 for the given type of leave mentioned in the Leave Module.
2. Requests have been received from the recognized employee federations requesting to initiate steps for familiarizing all employees in using leave module.
3. This has been considered in order to enhance the employees’ familiarity with the new Leave Module and to ensure seamless transition to digital mode. In this regard, the following steps may be taken:-
- Wide and adequate training sessions may be conducted at Headquarters/Divisions and all major stations to demonstrate the procedure for applying leave through HRMS system.
- Additional training for the dealing officials regarding updation /maintenance of leave accounts through the HRMS system.
- Establish help desks, if not already done, at all Headquarters/Divisions by the Personnel Branch to address any query raised or support required by the employees regarding the Leave Module.
- A facilitating person may be nominated in major locations who will provide system and data assistance to those employees who do not have access to computers.
- Telephonic help line Numbers may be established to provide necessary help telephonically to the employees to provide assistance.
- These telephone numbers shall be circulated widely amongst all the employees and also be informed to the staff federations.
- A nodal officer may be nominated support, training and monitoring updation of Leave Module at Headquarters/Divisions and major stations.
- Welfare Inspectors shall specifically be detailed to address the needs of the employees in applying through the Leave Module in their beats.
- Any other support as deemed necessary may be implemented by the field units.
4. It is also informed that in order to ensure further case to the employees, a Mobile version of Leave Module of HRMS is under finalization and is likely to be launched by early September.
5. The Steps mentioned in para 3 above may be ensured and compliance report may be forwarded by 5th of September, 2023.
(V.G. Bhooma)
Principal Executive Director/HR
Railway Board
Email: pedhr66[at]
Ph: 011-47847174
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Source: Indian Railways