Selection of ex-cadre posts of PRS & UTS Organisation: Railway Board

Selection of ex-cadre posts of PRS & UTS Organisation: Railway Board Order RBE No.96/2022 dated 12.08.2022
RBE No.96/2022
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I/2020/PM3/4
New Delhi, dated 12.08.2022
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways & PUs.
(as per standard mailing list)
Sub: Selection of ex-cadre posts of PRS & UTS Organisation.
As the Railway Administration are aware, various posts in PRS Organization of Zonal Railways, like Console Operators, Hardware Supdt., Data Base Supdt. etc. are being filled up as per instructions contained in Railway Board’s letters No. E(NG)I/87/PM16/3 dated 15.02.1993( RBE 229/1993) & No. E(NG)I-2019/PM16/1 dated 16.06.2019( RBE 101/2019).
On a reference from one of the Zonal Railways, the procedure enumerated in the aforesaid instructions for filling up the posts of Console Operators, Hardware Supdt., Data Base Supdt. etc. in the PRS & UTS Organisation has been reviewed in consultation with Commercial Directorate, and it has been decided that henceforth a single stage examination (duly including questions on Aptitude /Computer knowledge) may be conducted as part of selection procedure to each of these posts. The examinations may preferably be conducted in ‘online/CBT’ mode.
This disposes of Central Railway’s letter No. C/CRS/BB-105/OL.ORGN dated 27.11.2019.
Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.
DA: Nil.
(D. Joseph)
Director Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board
Tele No. 23044189
Source: Indian Railways