Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (Chief Loco Inspectors and Chief Crew Controllers/Chief Power Controllers/Chief Traction Controllers): Railway Board

Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (Chief Loco Inspectors and Chief Crew Controllers/Chief Power Controllers/Chief Traction Controllers): Railway Board Order RBE No. 102/2023 dated 28.08.2023
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
RBE No.102/2023
No. E(P&A)II-2009/RS-17 (Vol.I)
New Delhi, dt. 28.08.2023
The General Managers (P)/CAOs,
All Indian Railways
and Production Units etc.
Sub: Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (Chief Loco Inspectors and Chief Crew Controllers/Chief Power Controllers/Chief Traction Controllers)
Ref: (1) Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2009/RS-17 dt. 03.07.2019 (RBE No.108/2019)
(2) Board’s letter of even number dt. 01.11.2021 (RBE No.80/2021)
Attention is invited to para-3 of Board’s letter referred to at (1) above wherein the eligibility for filling up the post of CLIs and CLIs (CCC, CPRC & CTLC) has been laid down.
2. Vide Board’s letter referred to at (2) above, it was decided that the term 10 years of actual service as Loco Pilot’ contained in para-3 of Board’s letter dt. 03.07.2019 (RBE No.108/2019) shall mean 10 years of service as Loco Pilot including duties rendered as CC/PRC/TLC for the period of tenure in accordance with extant guidelines issued by the Board vide Board’s letter dated 23.07.2004 (RBE No.162/2004).
3. A reference has been received from one of the Zonal Railways seeking clarification as to whether the period of service rendered by Loco Pilots as Sr. Instructors at different training institutes over IR can be reckoned as eligibility service for the purpose of selection to the post of CLIs.
4. The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that the period of service rendered by Loco Pilots as Sr. Instructors at different training institutes over IR shall also be reckoned as eligibility service for the purpose of selection to the post of CLIs.
5. These instructions shall be applicable from the date of issue of this letter.
(This disposes of NCR’s letter No. PCEE/NCR letter No. NCR/EL/Loco/39/Op. Policy, dt. 12.05.2023)
(Gaurav Puri)
Dy. Director, PC-V
Railway Board
Tele No. — 011-47845119
Email ID : gaurav.rb1[at]
Source: Indian Railways