Empowered Committee for Running allowance in 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure

Railway Board has constituted Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure – NFIR urges Railway Board to finalise Running Allowance related issues after due negotiations with Railway Federations soon
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
No.IV/RSAC/Conf./Part VI
Dated: 11/05/2016
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in the 7th CPC Pay Structure-reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s order No. ERB-U2016/23/1 dated 05/05/2016.
The Railway Board has since issued an order dated 05/05/2016 constituting Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in the 7th CPC Pay Structure. According to Board’s letter, ED/PC-I, Railway Board shall be the Convener of the Empowered Committee and five EDs of different directorates shall function as its members.
In this connection, NFIR desires to convey that pursuant to bipartite agreement reached on the report of the Running Allowances Committee, 1980, the running allowance eligibility criteria, pay elements for various poses, ALK etc., were decided by the Railway Ministry in the year 1981.
With the implementation of 6th CPC pay structure (Pay Band & Grade Pay), a number of aberrations have however cropped up and all those issues were raised by NFIR in different fora. The issues were also discussed in the Fast Track Committee meetings, besides PNM and DC/JCM meetings, but unfortunately, there has been no finality till now. In the full Board meeting chaired by CRB on 7th February 2014 and in the Fast Track Committee meetings, it was decided that the running staff issues need to be dealt in the joint committee and accordingly joint committee was constituted. Although the joint committee met twice, the issues remained unresolved.
Now that the Railway Board has constituted Empowered Committee in the wake of 7th CPC report presently under consideration of the Government, the NFIR urges upon the Railway Board that the issues which are pending before the Joint Committee should be got finalized quickly. Thereafter there should be formal meetings with the Federations for discussing the new issues which may arise consequent upon the decision for implementation of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix levels. In this context, the Federation wants to remind the Railway Board that the pay elements 30% and 55% of pay which are in vogue since the time of 4th CPC should be continued without any dilution even when 7th CPC Pay Matrix levels are to be implemented.
Federation hopes that the Railway Board would take note of earlier agreements reached with the Federations for ensuring that the same are not deviated.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Download NFIR letter No.IV/RSAC/Conf./Part VI dated 11.05.2016