Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff to Group ‘B’ posts – Amendment to IREM Volume I: Railway Board

Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff to Group ‘B’ posts – Amendment to IREM Volume I: Railway Board Order RBE No. 134/2023 dated 04.12.2023
RBE No.134/2023
No. E(GP)2005/2/69
New Delhi, dated : 04.12.2023
The General Managers, .
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
Sub: Amendment to IREM Volume I.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that, the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol. I, Revised. Edition – 1989 (First Re-print Edition-2009), may be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.283 enclosed.
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director, Estt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
Ph. No/233047250
DA: Advance Correction Slip No.283
(Revised Edition-1989, First Re-print Edition-2009)
Chapter II, Section ‘A’ – Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff to Group ‘B’ posts.
For the existing para 202.1, substitute the following:-
202.1 Composition of Selection Committee — Selection Committee will be constituted under the orders of the General Manager for the recommendations to him in respect of Group ‘C’ staff considered suitable for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts.
The Selection Committee for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts should consist of 3 Heads of Department or Additional Heads of Department including the PCPO or as has been provided for in the relevant Recruitment Rules. In the eventuality of non-availability of PHOD of the concerned Department in terms of Recruitment Rules, due to some compelling reasons, G.M. may appoint any other HAG/SAG officer available in the said Department as a member of the DPC. However, in view of their unavailability also, the GM in consultation with the GM of the other Railway/Production Unit may nominate PHOD of the concerned department for co-opting him as a Member of the DPC for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts.
The Senior Deputy General Manager or the Additional CVO of the Vigilance Organization should not be nominated to serve on the Committee. If none of the officers constituting the Departmental Promotion Committee belongs to either Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, fourth officer holding the rank not lower than the Junior Administrative Grade may be nominated.
(Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter no.E(GP)2001/2/32 dated 21/06/2022)
For the existing para 204.1, substitute the following:-
Para 204.1: Selection procedure.-The Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in all Organised Departments shall be conducted through a Centralized Computer based examination, viva-voce and assessment of record of service by the Selection Committee as under:
(i) Accounts Department:
a) One Paper on Professional Subject 100 Marks
a) One Paper on Professional Subject including optional questions of 10 marks on Official language policy & 2 Rules | 100 Marks |
b) Qualifying marks | 60 Marks with relaxation as per extant rules |
Duration | 2 hours |
ii) All Organised Departments except Accounts Department:
a) One Paper on Professional Subject including optional questions of 10 marks on Official language policy & Rules | 70 Marks |
b) Establishment and Financial Rules | 30 Marks |
c) Qualifying marks | 60 Marks with relaxation as per extant rules |
Duration | 2 hours |
iii) Selection procedure in miscellaneous Cadres:
The written examination shall comprise of one paper which shall have 100% Objective type Multiple choice Questions only. The distribution of marks will be as under:
a) One Paper on Professional Subject including optional questions of 10 marks on Official language policy & Rules | 70 Marks |
b) Establishment and Financial Rules | 30 Marks |
c) Qualifying marks | 60 Marks with relaxation as per extant rules |
Record of service and Viva-Voce:-
Max Marks | Qualifying Marks | |
Viva-voce | 25 | 30 (including at least 15 marks in the record of service |
Record of service | 25 |
(Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letters no. &(GP)/2018/2/31 dt.19.3.2019, E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 28.6.2022, 07.10.2022, & 07.12.2022)
For the existing para 204.2, substitute the following:-
204.2. The question Paper for the written exam should have a practical bias i.e. it should be designed to test the ability of candidates to tackle the practical problems they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. In view of Centralised Computer Based examination, syllabus has been prescribed for the said examination for all Departments in Organised Services. However, the syllabus of written examinations held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in Miscellaneous departments are prescribed by the Zonal Railways.
For the existing para 204.4, substitute the following
204.4. The question paper of the written examinations held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in miscellaneous cadres should be set up by PHOD of the concerned department of the Railway and evaluation of answer books should be done by any HAG/SAG officer of the concerned Department nominated by the General Manager. However, General Manager of the Railway/PU can also nominate PHOD of any other Railway/PU for setting up of these Question Papers if considered desirable by him, in consultation with the GM of the concerned Railway/PU.
Questions on Official Language Policy and Official Language Rules may be set by or in consultation with the Mukhya Raj Bhasha Adhikari.
Paper setters for the selections in Organised Services through Centralized Computer Based Examination shall be nominated by the concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities with the final approval of Board (CRB & CEO).
(Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter no. E(GP)2018/2/31dt.19.3.2019, 20.7.2020 & 13.12.2021)
For the existing para 208.1, substitute the following
208.1. The answer papers of the written examination held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in miscellaneous cadres as well as the mark sheets of viva voce should be marked with indelible ink. Each answer book should carry a fly leaf, Tabulation Sheet for the Evaluator and Guidelines for the Candidates. Both fly leaf as well as the answer book should be stamped and signed by the Gazetted Officer in charge of conduct of the examination. The employees should write their names and designations on the fly leaf only. After the answer books are received from the employees, the fly leaf should be removed and allotted a secret number which should also be simultaneously recorded on the corresponding answer book by Dy. CPO/G or Dy. CAO/G. The answer books should be sent to the examiner with secret numbers alone indicated on the answer books. The fly leaves removed from the answer books should be carefully preserved in a sealed cover, it being sealed by Dy.CPO(Gy/Dy.CAQ(G). This sealed envelope should be kept in the personal custody of the Dy.CPO(G)/Dy.CAO(G). In case of their non-availability, any other JAG/SG officer may be nominated by the General Manager.
(Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter No.E(GP)2015/2/8 dated 28.11.2016 & E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 28.06.2022)
Source: Indian Railways