Revision of Yardsticks for Non-Gazetted staff of Electrical Department: Railway Board

Revision of Yardsticks for Non-Gazetted staff of Electrical Department: Railway Board Order RBE No. 11/2023 dated 11.01.2023
RBE No. 11/2023
No. E(MPP)2019/1/19 Pt 2
Dated, 11/01/2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways, including Production Units and Others
Sub: Revision of Yardsticks for Non-Gazetted staff of Electrical Department.
An action plan was formulated by Board for Manpower Management, wherein, it was decided that yardsticks of O&M activities of various departments be revised taking into account technology Upgradation, Outsourcing experience and Benchmarking standards set by different Railways.
2. Accordingly, the yardsticks for Diesel Loco Maintenance of Electrical department have been revised as under :
Type of loco | Revised yardsticks |
ALCO | 4.0 (excluding AMC/overhauling MCBG, Microprocessor, Air dryer, APU, REMMLOT, Shed/Loco cleaning etc.) |
HPP | 3.3 (excluding AMC/overhauling of TCC/LCC, CCB, HVAC, APU, REMMLOT, Shed/Loco cleaning etc.) |
3. Henceforth, the requirement of Manpower for the said activities should be calculated based on the revised yardsticks. The Manpower strength for the existing assets should be reviewed, based on the revised yardsticks and excess posts be surrendered/redistributed immediately.
4. All the clarifications/queries/references, if any, regarding revised yardsticks are to be made to Electrical directorate Railway Board.
5. Each Zone will be provided the sanctioned strength based on the above yardsticks. Within the Zone, manpower can be redistributed as per Board’s letter dated 19.04.2022 (RBE No. 54/2022).
6. This supersedes all earlier instructions on the yardsticks for above activities, issued in past.
7. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
8. Please acknowledge receipt.
(A. K. Das)
Joint Director/E(MPP)
Source: Indian Railways