Revision of Yardsticks of Electrical Department: Railway Board

Yardsticks for Gazetted staff in Construction Projects for the year 2023-24: Railway Board

Revision of Yardsticks of Electrical Department: Railway Board Order RBE No. 145/2022 dated 22.11.2022


RBE No. 145/2022

No. E(MPP)2022/1/28

Dated, 22/11/2022

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways, including Production Units and

Sub: Revision of Yardsticks of Electrical Department.

Ref: 1. Railway Board Itrno. E(MPP)2019/1/12 dtd. 30/09/2019 & 11/07/2022.
2. Railway Board itr no. E(MPP)2022/1/24 dtd. 17/10/2022,

The revised yardsticks for some of the activities of Electrical department were issued vide letters under reference above.

2. in continuation to above, the yardsticks, including Outsourcing activities, for RD Suburban for Electrical department have been revised as underโ€™

โ€œIn case of AC OHE infrastructure : 0.42 staff/T KM โ€.

3. Henceforth, the requirement of Manpower for the said activities should be calculated based on the revised yardsticks. The Manpower strength for the existing assets should be reviewed, based on the revised yardsticks and excess posts, if any, may be surrendered or redistributed . wherever feasible, as provided for vide Boardโ€™s letter dated 19.04.2022 (RBE NO. 54/2022).

4. All the clarifications/queries/references, if any. regarding revised yardsticks are to be made to EEM Directorate.

5. This supersedes all earlier instructions on the yardsticks for above activities. issued in past.

6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

7. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Renu Yadav)
Director ( PP)
Railway Board

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