Revised duties and responsibilities of Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals
Railway Board has published revised duties and responsibilities of Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals
Ministry of Railways has published the revised duties and responsibilities of the Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals
No.2014/H-l/10/18/Para Medical Staff
New Delhi, dated 15.10.2015
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and
Production Units.
Sub: Revised duties & responsibilities of Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals.
It has been decided to amend the duties and responsibilities of Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals as listed in Para 203 of Indian Railway Medical Manual-2000.
Accordingly, an Advance Correction Slip (S.No.03 Health 2015) amending Para 203 of IRMM, 2000 is enclosed as Annexure.
Railway Board
S. No.-03 Health 2015
Advance Correction Slip to Para 203 of JRMM – 2000
The revised duties & responsibilities of Para Medical Staff working in Railway Hospitals are as under:
i) be responsible for efficient running of Nursing Services of the hospital and Health Units.
ii) keep the Medical Officer in charge informed about the day to day happenings concerning the hospital. She/ He will be actively involved in patient care.
iii) assist the Medical Officer in charge in formulating broad policies concerning Nursing Services.
iv) Implement policies and procedures of Railway Medical Services regarding nursing services and will disseminate the aim, objectives and policies regarding patient care to All cadres of nursing services.
v) be responsible for man power planning and management including training of nursing personnel and other paramedical staff.
vi) interact with other Railway / Government / recognised hospitals to ensure proper patient care.
vii) exercise control over All hospital staff placed under her/ his administrative control & be responsible for maintaining discipline amongst them and initiate Disciplinary proceedings as and when required All Establishment duties shall be performed by nursing officer for staff under their control.
viii) strive to implement standard nursing practices and maintain highest quality of care and will be responsible for overall supervision, monitoring and audit of nursing services in the hospital
ix) co ordinate meetings of various committees in hospital.
x) accompany Medical Officer in charge of the hospital during hospital rounds
xi) ensure Organization & supervision of housekeeping, Central sterile supply department, Patient care, laundry & linen service, catering, matters related to patient care and to ensure proper collection, segregation and disposal of biomedical waste.
xii)ensure procurement of stores, Maintenance, repair and condemnation of equipment of the hospital.
xiii) look after Upkeep of Ambulance, staff car and Contracts related to patient care.
xiv) ensure that visiting hours are strictly followed.
xv) assist hospital incharge in organization and, smooth conduct of periodic refresher courses and continuing medical education of nursing staff and other para-medical staff of the hospital/health unit.
xvi) educate nursing staff of All categories by conducting awareness programme on universal Precautions and safe injection practices.
xvii) Any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
Note: In case there is more than one Nursing Officer in a hospital, the senior most shall perform above duties.
2.2 CHIEF MATRON / Supervisor:
Senior most Chief Matron shall perform the duties of Chief Matron/Supervisor. When Nursing Officer is not available, Chief Matron / Supervisor will perform duties as defined for Nursing Officer in addition to her duties.
She/he will
i) report to the Nursing Officer I Medical Officer in charge of the hospital.
ii) be actively involved in patient care .
iii) supervise the work of the hospital staff and ensure that the instructions of the medical officers in respect of individual patients are correctly carried out.
iv) recommend personnel and material requirement for various nursing service departments of the hospital
v) carry out regular rounds of the hospital. Will be responsible for proper cleanliness and maintenance of the hospital, both inside and outside, and matters related to hospital linen, patient’s clothing, beds, furniture etc.
vi) ensure that safe and efficient care is rendered to patients in various wards etc.
vii) be in-charge of the Tools & Plant, dead stock and consumable stores of the hospital. She/ He will initiate condemnation for linen and other hospital stores.
viii) be responsible for counselling and guidance of sub-ordinate staff. She/ He will attend hospital/intra hospital meetings and conferences.
ix) investigate All complaints regarding nursing care and personnel, and take suitable corrective action within his / her Disciplinary powers and inform Nursing Officer.
x) also look after diet arrangements for the patients.
xi) maintain cordial relations with patients and paramedical staff. Ensure that the visiting hours are strictly observed.
xii) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xiii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
xiv) in case there are more than one Matron / Chief Matron, except the senior most, All others shall also perform duties as assigned to Matron.
xv) accompany the Chief Medical Director, Government medical officials, or distinguished guests during their official visits to the hospital.
2.3 MATRON: Will
Matrons will perform the same duties as assigned to nursing sisters except those earmarked for supervisory functions .
Duties of Matrons earmarked for supervisory functions:
i) supervise the work of nurses, dressers, hospital attendants, safaikaramcharis and other subordinate staff.
ii) maintain discipline amongst nursing and other staff.
iii) maintain a check on the attendance of hospital and nursing staff and see that the staff are employed on their legitimate duties.
iv) ensure that the nursing care provided is of a high order and that the instructions issued by the Medical Officers are carried out by the nurses properly and in time.
v) go on rounds with the doctors (CMPs & HVS too) to ensure that All the instructions given by them are carried out.
vi) accompany the Chief Medical Director, Government medical officials, or distinguished guests during their official visits to the hospital.
vii) be responsible for proper cleanliness and maintenance of the hospital compound, outdoor departments, wards, operation theatre, pharmacy, dressing room, kitchen and other hospital establishments.
viii) ensure cleanliness of All hospital linen and patients clothing and maintain the linen account.
ix) be in charge -of surgical instruments and medical appliances in the operation theatre and wards, hospital linen, clothes, beds, crockery, cutlery, furniture, utensils, other tools and plants and maintain All ledgers pertaining to these items.
x) place requisition for raw materials either with the contractor or with kitchen clerk twice a day where there is departmental catering and see that the diet rations are properly weighed and measured by the cook. Ensure that the diet which is supplied to the patients is prepared and served as per the directions of the treating team.
xi) place All articles requiring condemnation before the hospital incharge and also take suitable action to procure them.
xii) assist the Surgeon in All types of Surgical procedures, if required.
xiii) maintain All records in connection with the nursing side of the hospital.
xiv) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xv) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be in-charge of nursing of the outdoor and indoor patients and she/he will provide full range of nursing services as per the requirements of the patient.
ii) check the vital parameters like Pulse, Blood Pressure, Respiration etc. of patients under her/his care and perform simple procedures like collection of samples starting IV line, catheterisation etc.
iii) ensure all the instructions issued by treating doctor are properly carried out.
iv) attend and assist at surgeries when required.
v) direct and supervise the sterilisation of All instruments and dressings.
vi) formulate accurate and intelligent reports on ward patients.
vii) prepare the diet schedule of All the patients under her/his care and ensure recovery of diet charges wherever applicable.
viii) ensure that the visiting hours are strictly observed.
ix) ensure that every courtesy and help is accorded to the patient’s relatives and visitors to the
x) accompany medical officer on their daily rounds.
xi) maintain the ward stock of drugs and other items, during duty hours.
xii) be responsible for the safe custody of hazardous/ poisonous items. Such stock must be maintained and checked daily.
xiii) be in charge of the linen issued out to her/him for her/his ward. If there is only one nurse in a hospital/health unit, she/he will in addition, be responsible for the safe custody of hospital linen, crockery, cutlery, utensils, surgical and medical appliances and furniture and dead stock of the ward and shall see that they are kept in good condition and replaced when necessary. Take monthly inventory of linen and equipment and report All missing
articles to the concerned Medical Officer.
xiv) maintain All records and registers pertaining to the wards properly when she/he is the only nurse.
xv) supervise the work of group ‘D’ staff and ensure the cleanliness of the ward and/or the operation theatre.
xvi) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xvii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
2.5 OPERATION THEATRE NURSE will be responsible for
i) assisting the surgeon during routine & emergency surgeries.
ii) ensuring adequate supply of medicines, ligatures, dressings, linen and any other item required in Operation Theater.
iii) the cleanliness and proper maintenance of the operation theatre, surgical instruments, equipment, and for reporting their defects to the Medical Officer. .
iv) supervision of sterilisation of dressing gowns, towels, instruments, gloves etc.
v) preparation of splints and care of operation theatre linen.
vi) discipline and performance of duties by the operation theatre staff.
vii)observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
She/he will perform duties pertaining to specialised type of work required in these areas. She/he will also perform any other duty as assigned to her/him.
2.7 MIDWIFE / LHV / PHN will:
i) assist the medical officer in the care of maternity and gynaecological patients.
ii) conduct normal deliveries independently whenever required.
iii) assist in the female ward and labour room.
iv) maintain record of the deliveries.
v) run the maternity and child health centre activities under the direction of a Medical Officer.
vi) dressing of the female cases in the outdoor and indoor departments.
vii) maintain the records of births and deaths in the Railway colony and within the hospital under her charge.
viii) collect population census in the colony and educate staff and their families in family welfare programmes.
ix) she may be utilised for nursing duties under the supervision of a trained nurse or a doctor.
x) she may also be utilised for vaccination/Immunisation activities.
xi) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
3.1 O.T. ASSISTANT : will
i) attend to the dressings of All types of wounds and injuries.
ii) sterilization of instruments and All dressing materials.
iii) pre operative preparation of patients as per directions of the operating Surgeon.
iv) be responsible for the safe custody and proper maintenance of linen, surgical instruments and other equipment in O.T. and dressing room. She/he will prepare splints, plaster bandages and undertake cutting and rolling of bandages, including holding of ledger.
v) she / he will prepare anti-septic lotions and also help the anesthesiologist.
vi) removal of stitches, catheters etc on advise of Medical Officer.
vii) responsible for refilling of First Aid Boxes.
viii) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
ix) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) assist the Medical Officer of Radiology for All the work related to Imaging department (Routine and special X rays, Ultrasonography/CT/MRIetc).
ii) keep All records related to imaging department, prepare their indents and maintenance of equipment.
iii) take skiagrams and develop these wherever necessary.
iv) help Radiologist in performing special imaging investigations.
v) help Radiologist in taking skiagrams where screening or use of TV monitor is required.
vi) perform any other duties as. may be assigned to them from time to time by the Radiologist/Medical Officer incharge.
vii) comply with BARC or any other applicable statutory guidelines
viii) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
ix) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
4.2 X-RAY ATTENDANT : (MPHW posted in X-ray dept.): will
i) assist – the Medical Officer incharge of Radiology/Radiologist IX ray Technician/Radiographer, in the department of imaging in performing various activities of department including loading, preparing and developing films and in preparation of fixer solutions, etc.
ii) assist patents in preparation for various imaging procedures.
iii) be responsible for cleanliness and general maintenance of various equipment & furniture in the department of Radiology/Imaging.
iv) maintain records of the department of Radiology/Imaging.
v) deliver letters, films etc. to the addressees.
vi) fetch stores from whatever source they are ordered.
vii)carry portable imaging equipment for carrying out bedside investigation whenever required.
viii) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions while dealing with samples and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
ix) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be responsible for the proper maintenance of laboratory equipment and instruments.
ii) be responsible for Collection of blood and other samples for hematological, biochemical and other laboratory tests and conduct various tests as required.
iii) carry out chemical analysis of food stuffs and their ingredients, and give report under quality control other than FSSAI.
iv) conduct bacteriological examination of food products including drinking water, aerated water, milk products, etc., and give opinion about their quality being satisfactory or unsatisfactory as per prescribed standard under quality control other than FSSAI.
v) Annual Maintenance Contract/Comprehensive Maintenance Contract of All Lab equipment and their upkeep.
vi) conduct various haematological, biochemical, microbiological and immunological tests etc. on All kinds of samples i.e. on blood, body fluids as per latest techniques and standards.
vii) look after the clerical duties pertaining to the laboratory and maintain records up to date.
viii) prepare and submit indents pertaining to the laboratory.
ix) responsible for maintenance of discipline amongst the staff under him/her.
x) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions while dealing with samples and ensure
compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
5.2 LABORATORY ATTENDANT (MPHW working in Lab): will
i) clean the laboratory equipment, fittings, furniture, doors, ventilators, slides, test tubes, etc.
ii) assist the Pathologist/laboratory assistant/chemist.
iii) carry laboratory stores and other requirements etc.
iv) deliver the reports from the laboratory to the wards.
v) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions while dealing with samples and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
vi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
6.1 Pharmacy Officer : Will
i) plan and organization of pharmacy services, analysis of drugs and monitoring the system of receipt, storage, issue and accountal of drugs.
ii) organise training of Pharmacists.
iii) ensure Preparation and timely submission of Annual and supplementary indent and procurement of same under CMD / GMO / SAG / JAG power as applicable.
iv) ensure formulation of proposals & procurement of equipment under M&P.
v) monitor timely supply of drugs and payment of bills.
vi) plan and implement computerization of inventory management wherever not available.
vii)ensure repair and maintenance of hospital equipment where Nursing Officer is not available.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) attend to any emergency and render immediate first aid and organize further management including transport to the healthcare facility.
ii) maintain dispensing room and the appliances therein in proper working order and distribute medicines to the patients.
iii) receive stores and enter the same in respective ledgers. Be responsible for the accountal of drugs, medicines, dressings, consumable and perishable stores, storage and Quality analysis of drugs.
iv) maintain All registers in connection with the medical statistics and prepare periodical returns, bills and indents under the supervision of the Medical Officer wherever required. Plan and implement computerization of inventory management wherever not available.
v) maintain sick and fit register including Injury cases, wherever required.
vi) send the unserviceable or surplus stores on advice notes to the stores delivery clerk or to parcel/goods office and enter the number of advice notes in the ledgers.
vii) assist the doctor in preparation of the annual/emergent indents of drugs, dressings,
instruments, medical and surgical appliances and medical stores of hospital/health unit.
viii) be responsible for the preparation and submission of returns and do required clerical activities under supervision of Medical Officer wherever required.
ix) make entries on outdoor tickets and injury case sheets, Prepare certificates leaving the disease column to be filled by the doctor, wherever required.
x) be responsible for the maintenance of All old and current injury case sheets and All case papers which have been referred to the Medical Officer in-charge of the division. ·
xi) keep the records under safe custody.
xii) be responsible for maintenance and accountal of tools and plants and its registers in Health Units.
xiii) receive necessary forms of medical examination and enter these in the register for medical examination of candidates and employees etc. wherever required.
xiv) to help in All the activities like Blood donation camps and other Health awareness camps.
xv) will maintain and ensure proper upkeep of ARME and arrange First Aid Training.
xvi) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xvii) Any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) receive and scrutinize the indents for medical stores from the various hospitals, health units, etc.
ii) maintain an up-to-date list of approved suppliers for the supply of medical stores.
iii) prepare invitation of tenders for medical stores. Assist the members of the Tender Committee in drafting the minutes of such meetings.
iv) prepare the summary of quotations received, indicate the quotations in the proper order in relation to the relative cost and also in relation to suitability in accordance with the specifications .
v) issue letter of acceptance to the respective suppliers and place supply order following the extant rules and procedures.
vi) maintain the specifications for the various medical equipment and Keep track of the supplies.
vii) be conversant with the rules regarding supply of medicines especially those relating to the spurious drugs, dangerous drugs, narcotics, etc. and ensure that the same are complied with.
viii) ensure timely payment to the suppliers and attend to any complaint from the suppliers regarding delay in payment of their bills.
ix) arrange for repairs and maintenance of All types of medical equipment.
x) deals with policy matters relating to the supply of medical stores and Accident Relief Medical Equipment.
xi) maintain discipline in the section and ensure systematic work of staff working under him.
xii) Any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
7.1 Kitchen Clerk: Will
i) ensure timely recovery of Diet charges from the Railway beneficiaries not entitled for free diet.
ii) maintain the accountal of All types of diets and their preparation and keep the record.
iii) arrange local purchase of provisions for diet whenever and wherever required.
iv) certify bills for supply of provisions, prepare diet bills & submit them in time.
v) check the diet sheet registers.
vi) will initiate Diet contract whenever required.
vii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
7.2 Dietetic Officer: Will
i) He incharge of hospital cateria services.
ii) take nutritional care of patients
iii) ensure assessment, planning, therapeutic modification & counseling, nutritional clinics, Nutritional education, management of educational material on dietetics & nutrition to – medical & paramedical staff, pregnant , lactating mothers and children
iv) ensure food service management – menu planning as per individual patient needs, supervision of preparation of food, hygiene of kitchen, store and dietary department.
v) look after establishment matters of kitchen staff, human resource planning and management including training of kitchen staff.
vi) ensure procurement of kitchen equipment, repair, maintenance & condemnation.
vii) ensure proper disposal of kitchen waste.
i) ensure Period Medical Examination(PME) check up of food handling staff as per prescribed norms.
ii) look after the duties performed by Kitchen clerk, if not available
iii) ensure day to day nutritional care of patients viz Nutritional assessment, Planning of standard diets, Therapeutic modification of diets, Diet counseling of indoor and OPD patients.
iv) impart nutrition education to medical and paramedical personnel.
v) look after food service management – menu planning as per individual patient needs, supervision of preparation of food, hygiene of kitchen, store and dietary department.
vi) supervise food preparation and distribution, sanitation and hygiene of kitchen, stores and dietary department and attend to grievances of patients regarding diet.
vii) be responsible for timely and proper receipt of required provision and quality thereof and arrange for sending doubtful samples for analysis under quality control.
viii) procurement of kitchen equipment, repair, maintenance and condemnation.
ix) perform All the duties of Dietetic Officer in case of non availability of Dietetic officer.
x) ensure proper disposal of kitchen waste
xi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
Note: Where steward /diet clerk, etc. are available, responsibility regarding item at para (vii) would continue to rest on them.
7.4 COOK: will :
i) check the quality of raw provisions and take delivery of the items properly weighed from the diet clerk / matron/Dietician.
ii) cook the food and prepare the beverages, etc, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, as required for the patients and as directed by the nurses/dietician/diet clerk.
iii) serve the food to the patients where there is no separate bearer provided, and collect the utensils after use.
iv) clean the utensils where no separate masalchi / cookmate is provided.
v) look after sterilization of utensils, cutlery and crockery.
vi) keep the kitchen clean and tidy and ensure proper disposal of kitchen waste.
vii) be responsible for the safe custody of utensils, cutlery, crockery, linen and other tools and plants issued to him/her for use.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) in absence of cook he will undertake All the work done by cook in addition to own work.
ii) serve food to the patients.
iii) clean and properly maintain the kitchen, cutlery, utensils & kitchen equipment.
iv) assist the cook in preparation of diets.
v) keep the kitchen clean and tidy and ensure proper disposal of kitchen waste.
vi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
8.1 Physiotherapy Officer: Will
i) be overall incharge of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation services department and actively involved in providing physiotherapy treatment to patients.
ii) get trained in and be conversant with the use of All latest equipment and devices used for providing physiotherapy treatment and tests for the patients.
iii) assess reaction and response to various treatments
iv) procure equipment, their maintenance, repair and condemnation.
v) advise hospital incharge regarding the procurement of All equipment and stores required for the department.
vi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration,
i) be overall incharge of Physiotherapy department wherever Physiotherapy officer is not available.
ii) provide necessary physiotherapy treatment and do required tests for both indoor and outdoor patient
iii) get trained in and be conversant with the use of All latest equipment and devices used for providing physiotherapy treatment and tests for the patients.
iv) assess reaction and response to various treatments.
v) be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of All equipment and stores under his/her charge.
vi) maintain registers/records of All work done in the department. .
vii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the equipment under their charge.
ii) diagnose, plan and execute occupational therapeutic treatment, physical rehabilitation of the patients.
iii) be responsible for disability evaluation for certification for disability compensation.
iv) prepare case history of patient for working diagnosis for treatment and evaluate for work fitness of persons with disability and fitness for his/her original job or alternate job.
v) prescribe and approve of prosthesis in consultation with orthopaedician.
vi) pre-vocational evaluation of person – normal I handicapped for deciding suitability for job.
vii) provide consultation regarding proper use of body mechanics to prevent occupational
disorder and occupational hazard at workplace.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
9.1 HOSPITAL ATTENDANT / PEON (Multi – Purpose Health Worker): Will
i) keep the hospital premises, furniture , doors, fittings, ventilators, etc. neat and tidy.:
ii) help the nurse to sponge the patients and do sponging when nurse is not available.
iii) prepare beds, take temperature of patients and change the clothing of the patients under direction of the nurse.
iv) help the doctor/nurse in examination of patient, the dressing of surgical cases, giving enemas, douching etc. Female Hospital Attendant will assist doctor/nurse in examination of female patient.
v) assist patients in taking food/ medicine whenever required.
vi) help the patient in getting investigations/ internal referrals (eg PAC etc).
vii) the male hospital Attendant/Peon will call doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other staff who are off duty on hearing accident signals.
viii) carry and transfer injured and sick patients.
ix) active/passive exercise to the patient when required under guidance.
x) fetch and distribute dak & carry hospital stores.
xi) where there is no watchman, the male hospital attendant on night duty will be expected to keep a watch over the hospital building and property.
xii)assist the OTA, and do dressing work in their absence under guidance.
xiii) assist patients with wheel chair/stretcher.
xiv) behave courteously with All patients and their attendants.
xv) after requisite training, will function as multi purpose health worker e.g. can do ECG etc.
xvi) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xvii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
Ayah, wherever available will do the work of HA as above. Female Hospital Attendant shall also assist midwife/nurse in conducting a delivery.
i) safeguard the property of hospital, health units and the office of the Medical Officer, health inspectors etc.
ii) check the locks of various rooms while coming. to duty and hand over them intact to his reliever or to the hospital attendant before leaving his duty.
iii) in health units, he will attend to the telephone calls and convey messages to the doctor.
iv) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
9.3 HEAD MALI / MALI: Will
i) be responsible for growing hedges and properly trimming them, plantation of trees, laying lawns, preparing manure from the fallen leaves, growing flower beds and maintaining them properly.
ii) remove rank vegetation from the premises of the hospital / health unit
iii) carry hospital stores.
iv) head mali wherever available, in addition, will supervise the work of other malis.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) help the visitors, patients and guide them accordingly.
ii) attend to the inquiries on telephone or otherwise regarding patients admitted in the hospital. Also, attend to All the enquiries from patients or their attendants visiting the hospital
iii) Should be able to work on computers and handle the same.
iv) will keep a list of patients admitted in hospital.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be responsible for proper cleanliness, maintenance, repairs and driving of ambulance car.
ii) render first aid to the injured and transport the sick persons.
iii) arrange fitness certificate of ambulance car and other legal requirements.
iv) do day to day minor repairs of ambulance van and report major defects to the doctor in charge for arranging repairs.
v) arrange to get unserviceable articles under his charge condemned by competent authority and arrange their return to the stores.
vi) furnish his requirements of stores to the doctor in charge.
vii) maintain log book of mileage and account of the consumption of petrol, Diesel & mobil oil etc.
viii) they should be trained in basic life support and hold valid certificate for same.
ix) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
x) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) clean the ambulance van and be responsible for its maintenance.
ii) accompany the driver and assist him in transporting sick persons.
iii) as a person trained in First Aid –
a. Render required assistance during transfer of patients to the hospital.
b. Ensure that the patient once brought to the hospital is promptly carried to the casualty/emergency wing.
iii) wherever ambulance cleaner is not available, this duty will be done by multi purpose health worker (HA). They should be trained in Basic Life Support (BLS).
iv) they shall observe Universal Aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) sweep the roads, ground, floor etc. of the hospital/health unit premises.
ii) frequently clean the floor of the wards with wet cloth and clean the hospital doors, windows, window panes etc.
iii) clean the bed pans, sputum cups, urinals, wash basins, commodes and toilets / wash rooms/ rest rooms/ attached to the hospital/ wards.
iv) supply bed pans and urinals / urine pots to the patients, and clean them after use. He/she will also provide containers for examination of urine and stool samples and carry them to the laboratory.
v) help in transporting the patients on wheel chair / stretchers.
vi) carry the hospital stores.
vii)clean and disinfect soiled linen before sending to laundry.
viii) keep the record of cleaning as per local instructions
ix) segregate waste at source.
x) they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) perform All scaling (Oral prophylaxis) and polishing of teeth independently whether manual or with ultrasonic instruments.
ii) motivation and education of patients and community, to maintain good oral hygiene and teach correct brushing techniques for individuals in oral health camps.
iii) pre and post-operative precautions and preventive dentistry (diet, oral physiotherapy, general and dental health education).
iv) temporary dressing (temporary filling, gingival dressing). Simple extraction of painful loose teeth under topical anaesthesia.
v) prescription of oral medicines like medicated tooth pastes, gum paints, mouth-washes, pain relieving drugs that do not come under Schedule of Drug Act.
vi) impart training to the trainers in Oral Health Care.
vii) providing topical fluoride treatment for school children.
viii) he/she will be responsible for implementation of oral health/hygiene programmes and will perform All activities required under the programmers.
ix) he/she will assist in upkeep of dental equipment, records and statistics of the department.
x) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
xi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration .
i) undertake the impressions and prepare dentures as required.
ii) maintain proper records of All the equipment under his/her charge.
iii) be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the equipment in the unit.
iv) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) perform All types of dialysis of patients and monitor the same during the entire procedure under the supervision of Medical Officer/ Nephrologist.
ii) maintain and keep All records of dialysis patients.
iii) be responsible for proper cleanliness and upkeep of the dialysis machine and maintaining records, preparation of indents and upkeep of All consumable stores.
iv) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
15 Cardiac Pump technician (Perfusionist): Will
i) be responsible for functions and standardized processes to ensure proper functioning of perfusion related equipment and processes.
ii) will select, assemble, set up, and test heart lung machine and ensure that machine and associated equipment function according to the specifications.
iii) be responsible for maintaining proper records, indent and upkeep of All consumable stocks.
iv) will monitor and observe operation of machine and patients physiologic variables and adjust equipment to maintain normal body functions.
v) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
vi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
16 Non Invasive Cardiac technician(ECG / Holter / Echocardiography): Will
i) take All routine and Emergency ECG’s.
ii) assist doctor in performing – master ECG J Treadmill test / Holter recording / Echocardiography and any other procedure performed in Non invasive cardiac laboratory.
iii) will assist in maintenance of equipment, AMC/CMC, All records pertaining to the procedures and equipments.
iv) maintain statistical data, make appointments, instructions to the patients regarding part preparations etc.
v) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
16.1 Health Education Officer : Will
i) organize, monitor and supervise health education and family welfare activities at zonal level.
ii) ensure procurement and distribution of Health education material.
iii) organize health education activities in training schools of railways.
iv) compile health education material for in house publications.
v) assist in coordinating All FW activities and policy matters, programme planning, Organization and monitoring of special programmes like Birth Rate studies, Pulse Polio lmmnunization campaigns. death complication enquiries etc.
vi) ensure periodical statistical returns to head quarter through District Extension Educator, and analysis of reports and activities
vii) control, supervise and develop subordinate staff, including their Establishment matters
viii) ensure manpower: management including training of staff of FW department
ix) coordinate with State / Central authorities and assist in implementation of various National Health Programmes.
x) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) perform All the duties s mentioned for Compilation Clerk.
ii) impart and arrange training of Compilation Clerks and guide them regarding proper upkeep o1 basic records, statistical data & Allied information.
iii) monitor and ensure finely submission of statistical returns to Railway Board after receiving from various centres.
iv) will maintain liaison with Railway Board for correct submission of returns
v) organise the Family Welfare census/survey in the zone
vi) perform All duties of District Extension Educator in his/her absence.
vii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be responsible for implementation of Family Welfare programme and perform All activities required under the programme.
ii) maintain statistics related to Health and Family Welfare activities.
iii) organise All health education and motivation activities.
iv) be responsible for providing Family Welfare services and their regular follow up.
v) form Field Action Groups, train them and assist in their working.
vi) supervise community health programmes, multi purpose health drives, Family Welfare camps etc.
vii) organise Orientation Training Course, take lectures in Zonal Training Schools
viii) perform the duties of statistical assistant/Compilation clerk in their absence
ix) maintain liaison am; coordinate with state Governments, Voluntary Organisations and other organisations working for Family Welfare Programmes
x) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) collect, maintain and compile All family welfare (FW) data including that of MCH services and ensure timely submission of All the periodical returns to Head quarters.
ii) analyse and evaluate the FW data and put up to in-charge of the division regularly.
iii) assist field staff for maintaining summary of the target couple register etc.
iv) maintain All records of Family Welfare programmes.
v) maintain stores and imprest of FW centres.
vi) participate in All Family welfare activities of the divisions
vii) help in analysis of field studies as and when undertaken.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) educate and motivate individuals in the area on All aspects of Family welfare services.
ii) provide all Family /Welfare services and follow up. They should also keep a record of work done.
iii) organise and run lmmunisation clinics.
iv) do complete survey maintain Eligible Couple Register (ECR) and update them regularly and perform colony census.
v) assist in formation, training and working of Field Action Groups.
vi) assist in preparing All periodic F.W. reports & returns.
vii)carry out Field studies as and when required.
viii) organise mass health programmes, multipurpose health drives, Family Welfare camps, Orientation training camps etc.,
ix) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
17.1 Health Officer: Will
i) perform overall supervision of Health activities with emphasis on Community participation, Organization of Community based health activities like PP!, Birth rate studies, FW camps, multiple purpose health drive, National Health Programmes particularly related to Malaria, TB, AIDS, Diarrheal disease etc.
ii) health education aimed at positive health, monitoring of food & water quality, education of food handlers, disease: surveillance, colony census, Control of epidemics, working of health counseling clinics, industrial health administrative control, supervision & development of subordinate staff,
iii) ensure human resource planning, management including training and establishment matters
iv) procure stores.
v) regular monitoring of colony care committee, Contracts & Tenders
vi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be-responsible for Health Education of community.
ii) actively participate in 111 health programmes, Vector Control Programme, Multi Purpose Health Drives, School health programmes, Family Welfare programmes, MCH programmes, Mass Health Campaign programmes like Pulse Polio Immunisation etc.
iii) report at once to ‘the Medical Officer in-charge of the division about the out break of epidemic diseases like. Cholera, Plague or any suspicious increase in the mortality or sickness in his jurisdiction and take active steps for control of communicable diseases in the community.
iv) carry out preventive both measures and organise immunization activities.
v) inspect food and drink sold to the public at the stations and colonies and send for analysis for quality control.
vi) look after the sanitary arrangements for fairs and festivals in his jurisdiction.
vii) monitor the quality of the water supplied by testing for residual chlorine and collecting samples for bacteriological analysis. Take samples for chemical analysis of water as per schedule.
viii) carry out anti mosquito, anti fly and other pest control measures.
ix) carry out. All administrative duties of his office and staff under him including establishment matters.
x ) be responsible for efficient maintenance of sanitation in colonies/stations.
xi) ensure that there is to manual scavenging and All staff should wear protective gear as prescribed. Uniform should be provided to staff as per scale.
xii) receive complaints regarding sanitation if any, investigate them, have them attended and report to. his/her office.
xiii) note down any defects in the drains and latrines, Sewer lines, urinals, etc. and arrange to get them repaired by Engineering Department.
xiv) carefully ensure frat the terms of the various clauses of agreement with the contractors are carried out properly and any discrepancies etc. are immediately brought to the notice of
the higher authorities
xv) ensure procurement and availability of required stores for sanitation.
xvi) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) collect, remove and dispose off garbage from Railway premises and colonies etc. All staff
should wear protective gear as prescribed.
ii) sweep the road and other surface area of the Railway premises and colonies and collect the sweepings, segregate at source and put these in the nominated dustbins.
iii) wash toilets wash basins, tiled dado, remove cobwebs etc. from offices/buildings wherever required.
iv) clean glasses of doors, windows, ventilators etc. including frames in office buildings wherever required.
v) clean the drains and carry out periodic de-silting.
vi) undertake All other activities related to sanitation of colonies/stations.
vii) carry sanitary stores.
viii) carry out any other duty as assigned by Health Inspector and/or Medical Officer.
ix) wherever anti malaria staff is not available, they will carry out in addition to their duties, removal of rank vegetation from the edges of the drains, cess pools and other potential breeding places of larvae.
x) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration
Senior most among staff shall work as head of team and : Will
xi) supervise the work of the conservancy staff working in his/her team and will take their roll call twice a day.
xii) see that the sanitation of the Railway colony/station is maintained in proper condition as desired by his/her superiors and will report negligence/ unsatisfactory working of Railway or Contractor’s labour to the Health Inspector.
xiii) carry out dis-infection activity wherever required under the supervision of the Health Inspector.
xiv) ensure that the safaiwalas regularly treat the public toilets with disinfectants and ensure that there is no complaint from the public.
xv) supervise anti vector activities like spraying, fogging etc.
xvi) report to the Health Inspector about the repairs required to be carried out on the carts, drains, toilets etc.
xvii) be responsible for issue of conservancy stores to the staff working under him/her.
xviii) perform the duties of Malaria Mate where post of Malaria Mate is not available.
xix) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) be responsible for taking anti- vector measures in Railway colonies.
ii) prepare insecticides solution for the dis-infection work.
iii) All staff should wear protective gear as prescribed.
iv) supervise spraying with approved insecticides and destruction of larvae in breeding places.
v) receive stores from the Health & malaria inspector and keep a proper account of them.
vi) keep the tools and plants supplied to him/her in safe custody.
vii) supervise the work of the anti-malaria staff working under him/her.
viii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
i) prepare approved insecticide solution and spray the same in the Railway premises under the supervision of the Malaria Mate.
ii) All staff should wear protective gear as prescribed.
iii) identify low lying areas with stagnant water and immediately report to his supervisors. canalize and drain the stagnant water.
iv) remove rank vegetation from the edges of the drains, cess pools and other potential breeding places of larvae.
v) carry out anti-larval measures by spraying oil films on water collection and other breeding places of mosquitoes.
vi) carry stores.
vii) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration .
Note: They should be trained in First Aid.
After being trained they should also be incorporated as MPHW
18 Ophthalmic Assistant / Refractionist: Will
i) assist the doctor in the medical examination of patient.
ii) perform visual assessment, refraction and determine refractive errors.
iii) prescribe and advise patients on the type of glasses I lenses to be used, verify spectacles lenses used by patients and solve related problems.
iv) perform preliminary function tests like refraction, A scan, B scan, Tonometry and take analomicalicular measurements.
v) enter medical record and patient information.
vi) administer and prepare medications, provide eye care and contact lens information to patients.
vii) prepare patients for examination/surgery and explain about medications and procedures. Assist the Ophthalmologist in basic procedures and in post operative dressing of patients.
viii) be responsible for upkeep of ophthalmic equipment in OPD.
ix) observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.
x) any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.
(Authority – 2014/H-l/10/18/Para Medical Staff dated 15.10.15.)
Download Railway Board letter No.2014/H-l/10/18/Para Medical Staff dated 15.10.2015
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