Review of cost of Housekeeping of Trains & Stations: Railway Board Clarification

Review of cost of Housekeeping of Trains & Stations: Railway Board Clarification Order dated 27.06.2022
No. 2020/EnHM/13/01/Pt.
New Delhi, dated: 27.06.2022
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Review of cost of Housekeeping of Trains & Stations – Clarification regarding.
Instructions were issued vide letter of even number dt. 20.01.22 advising that all mechanized cleanliness contracts irrespective of the type of the station as well as coaches, OBHS and railway colonies should be issued on outcome basis without specifying the manpower required.
2. Some Railways have informally raised the query as to whether tenderer is still required to specify manpower proposed alongwith deployment plan. In this regard, it is reiterated that after the instructions dt. 20.01.22, tenderer is not required to specify manpower proposed to be deployed alongwith the deployment plan as all aforesaid mechanized cleanliness contracts are to be issued on outcome basis specifying all activities to be undertaken alongwith suitable measures for monitoring the performance.
Ajay Jha
Railway Board