Review of Co-Loco Pilot for High Speed Trains: Railway Board

Review of Co-Loco Pilot for High Speed Trains – Change in eligibility of the ALPs to be deployed: Railway Board Order dated 31.10.2023
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No. 2007/Elect (TRS) /440/14 (Co-Driver)
New Delhi, dt:31.10.23
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Review of Co-Loco Pilot for High Speed Trains
Ref: This office letters of even no. dated 26.07.2022
Railway Board, vide letter under reference, had issued norms for deployment of Co-Drivers . (Co-LP) in High Speed Trains on trial basis one year.
On the basis of feedback from Zonal Railways, Board (M/T&RS & M/O&BD) have approved extension of the trial for further one, year with the following change in eligibility of the ALPs to be deployed:
Passing of Promotional Course (RNG 2/RNG 4) for ALP shall -not be a mandatory requirement for deployment on coaching trains having speed above 110 kmph and upto 130. kmph (incl.). However, footplate experience of atleast 60000 km shall be essential for the ALP.
Zonal Railways are advised to take necessary action in accordance and send feedback reports.
Signed by
Kishore Vaibhav
Date: 31-10-2023,19:33:38
(किशोर वैभव)
कार्यकारी निदेशक विद्युत अभियांत्रिकी (चल स्टॉक)
Source: Indian Railways