Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19: Railway Board

Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19 – All officials are to attend office on all working days without any exemption: Railway Board Office Order No. 09 of 2021
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (Railway Board)
Office Order No. 09 of 2021
Sub: Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19
Ref: Office Order No. 70 of 2020
Enclosed is an OM No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III dated 13th February 2021 from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, DOP&! regarding attendance of Officials. These instructions would now be applicable mutatis mutandis in respect of Officers/Staff working in M/o Railways, Railway Board also till further orders.
2. Accordingly, following are to be strictly complied with by all Officials working in Board’s Office:-
i) All officials are to attend office on all working days without any exemption to any category of employees except for those residing in the notified Containment Zones. Such officials are to work from home till the containment zone 1s de-notified and are to be available on telephone and other electronic means of communication at all times;
ii) All Officers/staff are to follow staggered office timings as decided by the respective Controlling Officers to avoid over-crowding in Branches/Cells;
iii) Meetings/discussions, as far as possible, to be conducted with video-conferencing and personal meetings with visitors, unless absolutely necessary in public interest, are to be avoided;
iv) All officers and staff have to use face-cover/mask at all times, maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet (2-gaj ki doori) in work-place/ common areas, and follow health and hygiene practices (for example, frequent washing of hands, use of alcohol bases sanitizers, no spitting etc.
v) All officers and staff must go through the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) issued by M/o Health & Family Welfare and instructions issued from time to time by MHA and DoP&T on health and hygiene to fully familiarize themselves on the DOs and DON’Ts to keep themselves and office safe.
3. Strict compliance of Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices issued by M/o Health & Family Welfare on 13.2.2021 (Copy enclosed for ready reference) is to be ensured.
No. 2020/0&M/9/1
Dated: 15.02.2021
(H Moharana)
Joint Secretary(Establishment)
Railway Board
All Officers and Staff of Board’s Office and at Dayabasti, New Delhi.
Click here to view/download the pdf
Also check the following links related to this topic:
SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices: MoH&FW
Attendance of Non-Gazetted Employees in view of COVID-19: PCDA Circular