Removal of age limit of 25 years for medical facilities

Removal of age limit of 25 years for medical facilities

Removal of age limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway employees and pensioners.



New Delhi, dated 18.06.2018

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways and Production Units,
The Director General/RDSO, Lucknow and
The Chief Administrative Officers, DMW, Patiala and Rail Wheel Plant, Bela, Patna.

Sub: Removal of age limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway employees and pensioners.

Ref: Boardโ€™s letters no.2008/H-1/2/15 dated 16.02.2009 and 22.02.2018.

The matter of providing medical facilities to son of Railway employees/pensioners after being unemployed has been under consideration of this Ministry due to various representations received from different forums. Similar representations have also been received on the issue of providing medical facilities to divorced or widower son. Ministry of Railways has decided not to provide the medical facilities, once a son gets employed/married though he becomes unemployed or divorced or becomes widower later on, as the case may be.

Advance Correction Slip (S.No 02 Health 2018) amending Para 601 (5) of IRMM-2000 is enclosed.

(Mrs. H. K. Sanhotra)
Jt. Director-II/Health
Railway Board

S.No.023-Health 2018

Advance Correction Slip to Para 601 (5) of IRMM-2000

In para 601 (5) may be substituted as under:

Para 601 (5) : Ministry of Railways has decided not to provide the medical facilities, once a son gets employed/married though he becomes unemployed or divorced or becomes widower later on, as the case may be.

(Authority: Boardโ€™s letter No. 2017/H-1/210/R.C.F. dated 18.06.2018)

Read/Download Ministry of Railways OMย No.2017/H-1/2/10/R.C.F. dated 18.06.2018