Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railways from open market in Level-1 (erstwhile Gr. ‘D’) and Level-2 and above non-Gazetted posts

Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railways from open market in Level-1 (erstwhile Gr. ‘D’) and Level-2 and above non-Gazetted posts: Railway Board Order RBE No. 68/2023 dated 10.05.2023
RBE No.68 /2023
No. E (NG)-II/2022/RR-1/42
New Delhi, Dated: 10.05.2023
The General Managers
All Zonal Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)
The Chairpersons/Railway Recruitment Boards(RRBs)
Sub: Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railways from open market in Level-1 (erstwhile Gr. ‘D’) and Level-2 and above non-Gazetted posts.
Pursuant to announcement of the recruitment scheme called AGNIPATH for Indian youth to serve in the various wings of the Armed Forces by Government of India, it has been decided to provide following relaxation/facilities in recruitment by Railway Recruiting Agencies (Railway Recruitment Boards/Railway Recruitment Cells) from open market in Pay Level-1 & Pay Level-2 and above non-gazetted posts to those Agniveers who have successfully completed four years in the Forces:
(i) Horizontal reservation of 10% in Level 1 and 5% in Level 2 and above may be provided to Agniveers in Railways against Direct Recruitment Quota of various non- gazetted posts provided they fulfill the requisite eligibility requirement for the posts.
(ii) Para (i) above will be in the nature of horizontal reservation as in the case of PwBD, Ex-servicemen and CCAAs.
(iii) Agniveers will be given exemption from Physical Efficiency Test wherever applicable.
(iv) Age relaxation of five years for first batch of Agniveers and three years to the subsequent batches of Agniveers to be provided over and above the existing age limit prescribed for different communities viz. General. SC. ST, OBC & EWS for Level-1 and Level-2 and above posts.
(v) Agniveers who have successfully completed the service period of four years, can apply (documentary proof is to be submitted) against Centralised Employment Notifications issued by Railway Recruiting Agencies (Railway Recruitment Boards/Railway Recruitment Cells) for recruitment of staff from open market against Pay Level-1 (erstwhile Gr. ‘D’) and Level-2 and above non-Gazetted posts subject to fulfilment of all eligibility criteria as may be stipulated from time to time.
(vi) There will be no ‘carry forward’ of the unfilled vacancies i.e. in case of shortfall, the vacant slots shall be filled from others in the combined merit list.
(vii) Agniveers who have completed their full tenure of four years shall be charged Rs. 250 only for applying for open market recruitment conducted by Railway recruiting agencies with a provision for refunding the same to those who actually appear in the written examination.
(U.K. Tiwari)
Jt. Director/ Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways