Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy in accordance with New Education Policy (NEP) 2020: RBE No. 35/2024

Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy in accordance with New Education Policy (NEP) 2020: Railway Board Order RBE No. 35/2024 dated 15.04.2024
RBE No. 35/2024
PC-VII No. 215
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
No. 2024/E(W)/ED-2/2
New Delhi, dated 15.04.2024
The General Managers/DGs/CAOs (P)
All Indian Railways, PUs & CTIs.
Sub.: Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance(CEA) and Hostel Subsidy in accordance with New Education Policy(NEP) 2020.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E(W)2017/ED-2/3 dated 13.08.2018 (RBE No. 114/2018), whereby Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoP&T)’s OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 17.07.2018, containing consolidated instructions for grant of CEA and Hostel Subsidy, was circulated for implementation on the Railways.
2. Now, the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoP&T) vide their OM No. A-27012/01/2023-Pers.Policy(Allowance) dated 14.03.2024 (copy enclosed) have issued modification to Para 2(p) of their OM dated 17.07.2018 and also communicated decision to grant one time relaxation for reimbursement of CEA/Hostel Subsidy to those employees whose children have to repeat one additional class due to New Education Policy 2020. Instructions in the enclosed OM dated 14.03.2024 shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees with effect from the academic year 2023-24 onwards.
3. Necessary action may be taken accordingly.
(V. Somadas)
Deputy Director Estt. (Welfare)
Railway Board
Phone No:011-47845543
E-mail ID: v.somdas[at]
Source: Indian Railways