Recruitment of Sportspersons in Indian Railways in Pay Level-1: Clarification

Recruitment of Sportspersons in Indian Railways in Pay Level-1: Railway Board Clarification Order RBE No. 26/2023 dated 08.02.2023
RBE No.26/2023
Clarification / Corrigendum No.125
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. 2022/E(Sports)/4(1)/14/Gr. D
New Delhi, Dated 08.02.2023
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways & Production & Other units.
Sub: Clarification regarding recruitment of Sportspersons in Indian Railways in Pay Level-1.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter no. 2010/E(Sports)/4(1)/1(Policy) dated 31.12.2010 (RBE No. 189/2010).
(ii) Railway Board’s letter of even no. dated 04.01.2023 & 12.01.2023.
(iii) ICF’s letter no. PB/RR/39/Sports-Open,dated 30.01.2023.
Recruitment of Sportspersons in Pay Level-1 was restarted in Indian Railways with revised minimum sports norms vide Board’s letter dated 04.01.2023. ICF vide letter dated 30.01.2023 has requested for some clarifications regarding minimum sports norms for recruitment of sportspersons to the posts in Level-1 and determination of position upto the 08th in individual games/events in Sr. National Championships.
2. The matter has been considered in Railway Board. In this regard, with reference to instructions regarding revised minimum sports norms issued vide Board’s letter dated 04.01.2023, it is clarified that the sportspersons fulfilling the minimum sports norms for recruitment in higher grades shall be eligible for recruitment in lower grades also. However, such sportsperson will be eligible for promotion/re-appointment in higher grades only on the basis of his sports achievements acquired after joining Railways.
3. For determination of upto 08th position, the National Sports Federations are being requested to issue certificates in this regard. However, till the practice is adopted by the NSFs or the certificate issuing authorities, for determination upto 08th position in games/events, an undertaking may be taken from the candidate regarding his/her position in Sr. National Championship, which may be verified by the employer at the time of document verification well before the approval of the competent authority for recruitment purpose.
4. This is issued with the prior approval of DG(HR) and President/RSPB.
(This also disposes of ICF’s reference No. PB/RR/39/Sports – Open dated 30.01.2023)
(Ravinder Kumar)
Deputy Director/ E(Sports)
Source: Indian Railways