Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with representatives of NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items

Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with representatives of NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items No. 22/2012, 23/2017, 07/2021, 11/2023 & 12/2023
No. 2023/E(LR)I/NM 1-7
New Delhi, dated: 04.04.2024
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi — 110055.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with representatives of NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items No. 22/2012, 23/2017, 07/2021, 11/2023 & 12/2023.
The undersigned is directed to forward Record Note of Discussions held on 09.02.2024 on the above mentioned subject for your information and record.
Yours faithfully,
DA: As above (Two pages).
(Naveen Kumar)
Dy. Director Estt.(LR)-I
Railway Board
No. 2023/E(LR)I/NM 1-7
Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with representatives of NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items No. 22/2012, 23/2017, 07/2021, 11/2023 & 12/2023.
The following Officers and representative of NFIR attended the meeting:
Official Side | NFIR |
Item No. 22/2012 : Grant of Incentive to the Accounts Stock Verifiers who have been posted from the cadre of Junior Accounts Assistant on passing Appendix — IV — A (IREM) Examination.
On the demand of the Federation to grant Incentive to the Accounts Stock Verifiers who have been posted from the cadre of Junior Accounts Assistant on passing Appendix — IV — A (IREM) Examination upto 30.06.2017 (before the date of implementation of 7th CPC), Official Side stated that the case will be put up again to Accounts Directorate for review.
Item No. 23/2017: Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay w.e.f. 01.04.2004 — Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits.
Federation side stated that there is basic contention of DP calculation while computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits. Federation said that its letter No. NFIR/IV/RSAC/2023-1 dated 30.01.2023 to. DG(HR) be considered for decision.
Official Side stated that matter will be re-examined.
Item No. 07/2021: Denial of LC Gate Allowance to the Gate Keepers/Gateman of operating Department in Railways.
Federation side stated though the duties of Gatemen working in Traffic Department and Engineering Department are similar but LC gate allowance is not being given to Gatemen working in Traffic Department. A back reference may be made to the Ministry of Finance.
Official side stated that a fresh proposal will be sent to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
Item No. 11/2023 : Recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to enhancement of quantum of Maternity Leave and introduction of Child Care Leave in respect of Railway Servants.
Official Side stated that Advanced Correction Slip No. 136 has already been issued in this matter and a copy thereof is also provided to the Federation.
Federation agreed to close the item in view of issue of Advanced Correction Slip No. 136.
Item No. 12/2023 : Qualification Pay renamed as Railway Accounts Examination Allowance — resulting deprival of pay fixation benefit on promotion — Review urged.
The Federation was apprised about the fact the erstwhile nomenclature of ‘Qualification — Pay’ has been changed to ‘Railway Accounts Examination Allowance’ as per recommendations of the 7th CPC and subsequent examination with MoF(DoE) and the same is not to be treated as part of pay for the purpose of fixation of pay in promotion to next higher post.
The Federation accepted the position and agreed to close the item.
Source: Indian Railways