Railways will launch a massive recruitment drive to fill up its vacancies in various categories of posts

Ministry of Railways will launch a massive recruitment drive to fill up its vacancies in various categories of posts – Expected 1,30,000 vacancies in Indian Railways in this recruitment drive
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Railways will launch a massive recruitment drive to fill up its vacancies in various categories of posts which are essential for smooth and safe running of trains
An Indicative Notice will be published in Employment News on the forthcoming recruitments on 23rd February, 2019 There are expected to be 1,30,000 vacancies in Indian Railways in this recruitment drive For the first time there will be reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) candidates
The eligible candidates for the first tranche of recruitments in Non-Technical Popular Categories can do registration of online applications from 28.02.2019. The posts included in these categories are Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master etc.
The next tranche of recruitment will be available for online registration with effect from 04.03.2019, in Paramedical categories like Staff Nurse, Health & Malaria Inspector, Pharmacist, ECG Technician, Lab Assistant, Lab Superintendent, etc.
On 08.03.2019, online registration will open for candidates eligible for Ministerial and Isolated Categories like Stenographer, Chief Assistant, Junior Translator (Hindi) etc.
In all, there are expected to be 30,000 vacancies in the above three recruitments.
In addition, the Ministry of Railways will also recruit about 1 lakh staff in Level-1 (erstwhile Group-D Categories) for which online registration would open on 12.03.2019.
There will be reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC) (non creamy layer) and for the first time there will be reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) candidates. Besides, there will be reservation of posts for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD), Ex-Serviceman (ExSM).Besides, for Level-1 post, there will reservation for Course Completed Act Apprentices (CCAA).The vacancies in the above categories, except Level-1, will be available on Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) websites, after opening of online registration for the respective category.The vacancies of Level-1 will be available on website of Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC). Applications for all post will be accepted online only.
Indian Railways is already in the process of recruiting over 1.5 lakhs candidates in various safety categories like Assistant Loco Pilot and Technicians, Safety Category posts of Operating Department and Technical Department such as Civil Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Signal & Telecommunication, in both the Level-1 and Supervisory Categories. This also includes over 10,000 recruitments in Railway Protection Force organization.
Source: PIB