Representation from Railway servants on service matters

Railway employees should refer the service grievance matters to the Superior or the department head where he or she is working.

Ministry of Railways reiterated that Representing to PM Office or any other external influence is violation of the existing service rules.





No. E(D&A) 2015  GS1-6

New  Delhi, 29.12.2015

The General Manager(P)

All Indian  Railways and

Production Units etc.

(As per standard  list).

Sub:   Representation   from   Railway  servants  on  service  matters  – reiteration   of  instructions   – regarding


Attention  is  invited   to  Railway  Board’s  letter   no.  E(D&A) dated  25.05.2010  whereby   copies  of  Railway  Board’s earlier instructions and Department of Personnel and Training’s Office Memoranda on the above subject were circulated on the Railways.

2.       In this  regard,  Department of Personnel and Training has issued O.M. No.11013/08/2013-Estt.(A-III)  dated 31.08.2015, reiterating the earlier instructions issued in this regard.   Rule 3(1)(iii) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964  referred  to  in  para  3 of  the  O.M. dated 31.08.2015 corresponds to  Rule 3(1)(III) of Railway  Services (Conduct)  Rules 1966. The   Department  of Personnel and Training’s O.M. dated dated  06.06.2013, referred to in para 1 of their of their above O.M. is available at their website ‘’ under ‘OMs & Orders  – ‘Vigilance’ –  ‘CCS(Conduct) Rules’.
3. It  is reiterated that  all concerned are required  to  strictly comply with  the aforesaid instructions and violation(s) may entail suitable action.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.  Hindi Version will follow.

(S.  Modi)

Dy.  Director  Estt.(D&A)

Railway  Board

F. No.11013/00/2013-Estt.(A-III)

Government  of Linda

Ministry of personnel, Public Grievances  & Pensions

Department  of Personnel  & Training

Establishment   A-III Desk


North Block, New Delhi

Dated August 31,2015


Subject : Representation from  Government  servant   on service  matters – reiteration of  instructions – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M  of even  number  dated 6th  June, 2013 wherein instructions have been  issued  on submission of representation by Government servants about  their service matters.   In spite of these  instructions, it  has  been observed that Government servants  including  officers/ officials of para military forces and  Army personnel continue to represent directly to the Prime Minister, Minister, Secretary (P) and other higher authorities directly.

2.   As per the existing instructions, wherever,  in any matter connected with  his service rights or conditions,  a Government servant wishes to press  a claim or to seek redressal of a grievance, the  proper course  for him is to address  his Immediate  official superior, or Head of his office, or such other authority  at the appropriate   level who is competent to deal with the matter in the organisation.

3.  Such submission  of representations directly to other authorities by passing the prescribed channel of communication,  has to be  reviewed  seriously  and  appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against those who violate these instructions.  This can rightly be treated as an unbecoming conduct attracting  the  provisions of Rule 3(1)(iii) of the Central Civil  Services (Conduct)  Rules, 1964. It is Clarified that  this would include all
forms of communication  including through  e-mails or public grievances portal  etc.

4.  Attention in this  connection is also invited  to the  provision  of Rule 20 of  CCS (Conduct Rules, 1964 prohibiting Government servants from bringing outside influence in respect of matter pertaining  to  his  service  matter.   Representation by relatives  of Government  servant  is  also  treated   as  outside influence as  clarified vide MHA OM No.F.25/21/63~Estt.(A) dated 19.09.1963.

5. It  is reiterated   that  these   instructions  may be  brought to the  notice  of  all Govt. servants including officers/  officials of para  military  forces  and member of armed   forces and action taken  against  those who violate these instructions.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi)

Director (E)

Telefax: 23093176

Download Railway Board Circular RBENo.162/2015 No. E(D&A) 2015  GS1-6 dated 29.12.2015