Provision of different types of services/consultancies for project implementation on Indian Railways

Provision of different types of services/consultancies for project implementation on Indian Railways: Railway Board Order dated 15.03.2023
रेलवे बोर्ड Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड Railway Board)
No. 2023/CE-I/CT/1/Policy
New Delhi, dated 15.03.2023
As per list attached
Sub: Provision of different types of services/consultancies for project implementation on Indian Railways.
Ref: 1. Railway Board letter No. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/Contractual Staff dated 20.11.2018
2. Railway Board’s letter no. 2022/CE-I/CT/3/PMS dated 05.05.2022
3. Railway Board’s letter no. 2022/CE-I/CT/6/PSS dated 13.06.2022
The matter of supervision of projects and support to project offices has been considered at Railway Board. To have clarity about the role of various agencies/instruments the following may be kept in mind:
- Project Management Services (PMS): Instructions for PMS have been issued vide the letter under reference dated 05.05.2022. PMS are to be deployed for supervision of EPC contracts specified in the PMS agreement.
- Project Supervision Services (PSS): Instructions for PSS have been issued vide the letter under reference dated 13.06.2022. PSS are to be deployed for supervision of non-EPC contracts specified in the PSS agreement. Manpower for other technical services like site supervisors, draftsmen etc. can be hired through PSS Agency if the provisions for the same exist in the terms of reference but conflict of interest must be guarded.
- General Consultants(GC): The GC may be used for office support to the project unit wherever manpower of adequate skills is not available with the project unit. GC is not project specific. The GC can be used for various activities like examination of DPRs submitted by different consultants, preparation of estimates and tender schedules, assist the Authority in pre-bid meetings and their responses, preparation of brief for the tender committee, examination of contract agreements, assist the authority in response to references by contractors/consultants, assist the authority in arbitrations, preparation of periodical reports and presentations for the Authority, review the progress of projects and suggest necessary interventions, assist the Authority about various compliances, suggest economy measures etc. The terms of reference of GC may be suitably drafted to meet the specific needs of the project unit considering the availability of resources with the unit. There must not be any conflict of interest between the GC and PMS/PSS agencies. Wherever GC is deployed individual manpower through PSS must not be used for office support. PCEs may decide whether Division specific GCs are engaged or HQ level GC is engaged for CPM units.
- Detailed Design Consultants (DDC): DDCs may be used for design support for PCE/CAO(C)/PCSTE/PCEE — office wherever — sufficient manpower — with design/drawing skills is not available. DDCs may also be engaged by a project unit for a specific project requiring special design competence with approval of concerned PHOD. Care must be taken such that there ts no unnecessary overlap of the work of design key-personnel between GC and DDC in a project unit. The terms of reference of DDC may be suitably drafted to meet the specific needs of the project unit considering the availability of resources with the design office of the unit.
- Instructions for re-engagement of retired personnel and engagement of technical personnel on contract basis have been issued vide the letter under reference dated 20.11.2018. These are to be deployed for sites not covered by any PMS/PSS or in office if GC/DDC ts not available. These may also be used as a back-up whenever there is a sudden failure of PMS/PSS/GC/DDC.
2.0 Engagement of contractors/consultants for specific services like surveying, architectural services, geotechnical investigations, final location survey etc. shall be governed by their respective terms of references.
3.0 While engaging any or all of the above agencies, care must be taken to ensure adherence to canons of financial propriety. Conflict of interest between various agencies must be avoided. Overall cost should be contained within the D&G charges available on the Railway.
4.0 This issues with approval of Board [M(Infra), M(F) & CRB & CEO].
(अजीत कुमर झा)
कार्यपालक निदेशक/सिविल इंजी(जी)/रेलवे बोर्ड
[Phone: 030-44803: Rly: 011-23383379:MTNL]
e-mail address : edceg2022[at]
Source: Indian Railways