Promotion from Public Prosecutors to Sr. PP and transfer policy for Prosecution Cadre: Railway Board’s instruction

Promotion from Public Prosecutors to Sr. PP and transfer policy for Prosecution Cadre: Railway Board’s instruction Order dated 20.04.2022
No.2022/Prosecution Cell/Cdr./01
New Delhi, dt, 20.04.2022
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
[Kind attn.: All PCPOs/Dy. CPO(G)]
Sub.: Board’s letter no. 2012 &(GC)13-2(67) dated 12/06/2019 and E(GP)2019/2/14 dated 21/10/2019.
In pursuance of judgment dt. 3.07.1997 passed by the Hon’ble High Court, Rajasthan and affirmed by the Hon’ble Apex Court vide its orders dt. 29.09.2011, Prosecution cadre has been created on the Railways after separating it from RPF in terms of aforementioned sanction orders dt. 12/06/2019.
2. The procedure for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts of Sr. PPs in Level-8 of Pay Matrix has since been outlined in Board’s aforestated letter dt. 21 10.2019.
2.1 In partial modification of para 3 of Board’s letter No.E(GP)2019/2/14 dated 21.10.2019, it has been decided by the Board that whereas the all India integrated seniority list of Public Prosecutors in Level-7 will be maintained by the Prosecution Cell, Railway Board. Northern Railway will conduct the initial selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts of Sr.PPs on the basis of assessment of APARs and thereafter in terms of instructions governing promotion to Group B posts as and when vacancies arise in the cadre and recommend the panel to Prosecution Cell in Board’s office for their postings.
2.2 Recruitment Rules for promotions in the Prosecution Cadre are under finalization in consultation with UPSC. Therefore, pending finalization of the Rules, initially the Group ‘B’ posts of Sr.PPs in Level-8 of Pay Matrix will be filled up on an adhoc basis.
3. It has also been decided by the Board that all transfers/postings in Gr.C, Gr.B & Sr.Scale posts in the Prosecution Cadre will be managed in Board’s office by the Prosecution Cell with ‘NOC’ from the concerned Railways/PUs in terms of extant Transfer policy prevailing on the Railways as outlined in Board’s letter no.E(O)III/2014/PL/05 dated 31.8.2015 and instructions issued by E(NG) dte. An Application Form in this regard is enclosed as Annexure-1.
4. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
DA: As above
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy.Director, E(GP)III
Railway Board.
Ph. No.23047250
E.mail ID-meena.1964[at]
Source: Indian Railways