Posting of SC/ST Employees near their hometown on their initial appointment

Posting of SC/ST Employees near their hometown on their initial appointment

SC/ST candidates should as far as a practicable, be posted nearer to their home towns or at a place where the Administration can provide them quarter subject to their eligibility.



New Delhi, dated 19.06.2018

The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways and Production Units

Sub: Posting of SC/ST candidates/employees near their home town on initial appointment / promotions / transfers.

Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. E(SCT)I/74CM15/58 dated 14.01.1975.
(ii) Board’s letter No.78-E(SCT)I/15/25 dated 06.07.1978.
(iii) Board’s letter No. 85-E(SCT)I-43/1 dated 24.12.1985.

Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letters No. 85-E(SCT)1-43/1 dated 24.12.1985 (copy enclosed), wherein it has been mentioned that at the`time initial appointment, as well as on transfer/posting, SC/ST candidates should as far as a practicable, be posted nearer to their home towns or at a place where the Administration can provide them quarter subject to their eligibility.

It has been brought to the notice of the Railway Board that above instructions are not being followed in some Railways. It is therefore once again reiterated that while making initial appointment as well as on transfer/posting of SC/ST candidates/employees, guidelines issued vide Railway Boards letter No.85-E(SCT)I-43/1 dated 24.12.1985, may be kept in view by concerned Railways / PUs

The above may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information and strict compliance.

DA: As above.

(U.N. Mehta)
Joint Director, Estt.(Res.)

Read/Download Railway Ministry’s OM No.2018-E(SCT)1/25/10 dated 19.06.2018