Policy formulation in respect of Ex-Servicemen Candidates who are not relieved by Defence authorities by the schedule date: Railway Board

Policy formulation in respect of Ex-Servicemen Candidates who are not relieved by Defence authorities by the schedule date: Railway Board Order dated 27.08.2024
RBE No. 83/2024
No. E (NG)-II/2024/RR-1/32
New Delhi, Dated: 27.08.2024
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs
The Chairpersons
All RRCs & RRBs
Sub: Policy formulation in respect of Ex-Servicemen Candidates who are not relieved by Defence authorities by the schedule date.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2009/RR-1/10 dated 23.07.2015 (RBE No. 83/2015)
Instructions contained in Department of Personnel & Training’s (DoP&T’s) OM.No.360121312021-Estt.(Res-II) dated 27.02.2023 regarding the eligibility of candidates working in Armed Forces for applying to civil posts are annexed herewith for guidance and compliance while giving reservation to Ex-servicemen in recruitment from open market to non-gazetted posts on the Railways.
Encl: as above.
(U.K. Tiwari)
Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board
No. E(NG)-II/2024/RR-1/32
New Delhi, Dated: 27.08.2024
1. The General Secretary, AIRF, Room No. 253, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35) spares).
2. The General Secretary, NFIR” Room No. 256-E, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35spares).
3. All Members of Departmental Council and National Council and Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, 13-C, Feroz Shah Road, New Delhi (60 spares).
4. The Secretary General, FROA, Room No. 256-4, Railway Board (5 spares).
5. The Secretary General, IRPOF, Room No. 268, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (5 spares).
6. The Gerrcral Secretary, AIRPF Association. Room No. 256-t). Iiail []hawan, New Delhi.
7. The Secrctary. RBSS, Group’A’Officers’Association, Rail Bhaw’an. New Delhi.
8. The Secretary. RBSS, Group’B’Officers’Association, Rail Bhar.van. New Delhi.
9. The Secretary, Railways Board Ministerial Staff Association Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
10. The Secretary, Railways Board, Railway Board Non- Ministerial Staff Association Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
11. The Secretary, Railways Board Promotee Offrcers Association, Room No. 341-C, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
12. The General Secretary, All India SC& ST Railway Employees Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
For Principal Executive Director/IR
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways