Pensionary benefits of medically decategorised Chief Loco Inspectors (CLIs) who opt for voluntary retirement: Railway Board

Pensionary benefits of medically decategorised Chief Loco Inspectors (CLIs) who opt for voluntary retirement: Railway Board Order dated 02.01.2023
Railway Board/ रेलवे बोर्ड
RBE No. 01/ 2023
No. E(P&A)II/2021/RS-4
New Delhi, dt.02.01.2023
The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.
Subject: Pensionary benefits of medically decategorised Chief Loco Inspectors (CLIs) who opt for voluntary retirement.
NFIR had raised a demand in PNM forum vide item No.06/2022 that 30% pay element be reckoned for computing retirement benefit in respect of Chief Loco Inspectors (CLIs) who have been medically de-categorised and decide to take Voluntary Retirement instead of opting for redeployment in an alternative post.
2. The matter has been examined in Board’s office in consultation with Finance Directorate/Railway Board and it has been observed that in terms of para-8 of Board’s instructions dt. 03.07.2019 (RBE No.108/2019), CLIs are already entitled for add on pay element of 30% of basic pay for the purpose of pensionary henefits. However, to address the specific aspect brought out by the Federation, it has been decided that whenever a medically decategorised Chief Loco Inspector governed by RS(PR)1993, who has rendered the prescribed qualifying service opts for Voluntary Retirement either on his own volition or within a period of one month from the date of offer of the first alternative post, his pension may be computed with addition of 30% Pay element.
3. Incase such staff does not give option of Voluntary Retirement within the outer limit period of one month specified herein above, it will be deemed that the staff has accepted the alternative appointment offered and in this case, retirement benefits will be governed by extant instructions on the issue whenever he superannuates or opts for Voluntary Retirement thereafter.
4. The period of one month to opt for Voluntary Retirement for those medically decategorised CLIs, who have already been offered the alternative posts, will start from the date of issue of this letter.
5. The above clarifications shall take effect from the date of issue of this letter. Past cases already settled need not be reopened.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(N.P. Singh)
Director, Estt.(P&A)
Railway Board
Email: nirbhay.singh26[at]
4th Floor, Room No.10
COFMOW Office, Tilak Bridge